Ziaei Group

Ziaei Group

Ziaei Group 2023.
Ziaei Group 2023. Photo: Pia Johansen / Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience.

Kavli Institute’s Aging Neuroscience Group

Kavli Institute’s Aging Neuroscience Group

Research activity

Although the aging brain may be subject to certain aspects of slowness and decline in performance, some cognitive capacities may remain or even improve with age. Older adults may show a motivational shift in emotional processing towards preferring positive emotions and empathic responses towards others and prioritizing information relevant to their goals.


The Ziaei Group seeks to understand neural networks associated with social and emotional processing in aging.


Key research questions

  • What are the age-related neural correlates underlying individual responses towards social and emotional cues in the environment?
  • How do neural correlates of emotional and social processes contribute to mental health in healthy and clinical aging?


Tools & Methods

  1. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) using 3T and 7T
  2. Volumetric analysis of cortical and subcortical areas
  3. White matter tractography (diffusion tensor MR imaging)
  4. Eye-tracking 
  5. Physiological response recording 


For more information please visit Maryams external website:

Maryam Ziaei

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