Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience (KISN)

Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience (KISN)

A leading research centre aiming to understand the emergence of high-level brain functions.


  • Photo by Geir Mogen / Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience.
    Photo by Geir Mogen / Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience.
    This is a grid cell. Grid cells are located in the brain's enthorinal cortex. They help humans and other mammals find our way. This grid cell is captured by Menno Witter at Kavli.



Kavli Leader Team

Kavli Leader Team


Edvard Moser. Photo: Geir Mogen
Edvard Moser
Scientific Director
May-Britt Moser. Photo: Geir Mogen.
May-Britt Moser
Scientific Director
Bjarne Foss. Photo: Geir Mogen.
Bjarne Foss
Administrative Director

Groups at KISN

Groups at KISN


May-Britt and Edvard Moser. Photo.
Moser Group:

Space and memory
Jonathan Whitlock. Photo: Geir Mogen.
Whitlock Group:

Cognitive motor function
Clifford Kentros. Photo: Geir Mogen.
Kentros Group:

Transgenic investigation of neural circuits
Emre Yaksi. Photo: Geir Mogen.
Yaksi Group:

Sensory computations
Tobias Navarro Schröder. Photo: Geir Mogen
Navarro Schröder Group:

Vision and navigation
Giulia Quattrocolo. Photo: Geir Mogen
Quattrocolo Group
Circuit development
Maximiliano Nigro. Photo: Geir Mogen.
Nigro Group:

Perception and cognition
Maryam Ziaei. Photo: Geir Mogen.
Ziaei Group:

Aging Neuroscience
Soledad Gonzalo Cogno. Photo: Geir Mogen.
Gonzalo Cogno Group:

Neural dynamics and computation
Weijian Zong. Photo: Geir Mogen.
Zong Group:

Kavli Institute logo. Illustration.
Support Group:

Admin Tech

Visiting Professors

Visiting Professors


Menno Witter. Photo.
Menno Witter

Professor Emeritus
WP3: Early-stage pathology in entorhinal cortex of rodent AD models, K.G. Jebsen Centre for Alzheimers Disease
Silhouette. Illustration
Yoram Burak

Professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
WP4A: Continuous attractor network models in space-coding brain systems, Centre for Algorithms in the Cortex

Mini calevent portlet



Available positions

Available positions

KISN staff performing a grid

Available positions


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