Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience
Kavli Leader Team
Groups at KISN

Moser Group:
Space and memory

Whitlock Group:
Cognitive motor function

Kentros Group:
Transgenic investigation of neural circuits

Yaksi Group:
Sensory computations

Navarro Schröder Group:
Vision and navigation

Quattrocolo Group:
Circuit development

Nigro Group:
Perception and cognition

Ziaei Group:
Aging Neuroscience

Gonzalo Cogno Group:
Neural dynamics and computation

Zong Group:

Support Group:
Admin Tech
Visiting Professors

Yasser Roudi
Kavli Institute research: SPINOr - Stat.Phys. of Inference and Network Organization
WP4C: Principles of efficient learning in cortical networks, Centre for Algorithms in the Cortex

Menno Witter
Professor Emeritus
WP3: Early-stage pathology in entorhinal cortex of rodent AD models, K.G. Jebsen Centre for Alzheimers Disease

Yoram Burak
Professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
WP4A: Continuous attractor network models in space-coding brain systems, Centre for Algorithms in the Cortex

Christian Doeller
WP4 Space and time in the human brain: translation to the clinic, K.G. Jebsen Centre for Alzheimers Disease