Moser Group

Moser Group

Moser Group 2023
Moser Group 2023. Photo by Rita Elmkvist Nilsen.

Kavli Institute's Space and memory Group

Kavli Institute's Space and memory Group

Research activity

Hot stuff

Mini2P - the brain explorer!

Mini2P is an open-source miniature 2-photon microscope brain explorer for fast high-resolution calcium imaging in freely-moving mice.

Zong, et al.,"Large-scale two-photon calcium imaging in freely moving mice" Cell (2022).

Weijian Zong with Mini2P.
Mini2P together with Weijian Zong. Photo: Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience.

Ultraslow sequences in MEC

Ultraslow sequences in MEC

A framework in your brain for organizing the order of things (Norwegian SciTech)

Cogno, et al., "Minute-scale oscillatory sequences in medial entorhinal cortex" Nature (2023)

The raster plot shows several hundred mouse entorhinal cortex neurons oscillating at ultra-slow frequencies, spanning time windows ranging from tens of seconds to several minutes. As each cell oscillates, they also organise themselves into sequences in which cell A fires before cell B, cell B fires before cell C, and so on, until they have completed a full loop and return to cell A, where the cycle repeats. Illustration: Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience
The raster plot shows several hundred mouse entorhinal cortex neurons oscillating at ultra-slow frequencies, spanning time windows ranging from tens of seconds to several minutes. As each cell oscillates, they also organise themselves into sequences in which cell A fires before cell B, cell B fires before cell C, and so on, until they have completed a full loop and return to cell A, where the cycle repeats. Ill.: Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience
May-Britt Moser, Soledad Gonzalo Cogno and Edvard Moser
Researchers behind the paper: May-Britt Moser, Soledad Gonzalo Cogno and Edvard Moser. Photo: Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience.


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