NORBRAIN - Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience
NORBRAIN - Trondheim node
The Norwegian Brain Initiative (NORBRAIN) is a large-scale infrastructure for 21st century neuroscience.
NORBRAIN - Trondheim node
The Trondheim node consists primarily of the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience at NTNU. The institute has several collaborations with St. Olav’s Hospital and the Norwegian 7T MR Center.
NORBRAIN equipment and services are available for booking. To learn more about equipment and services offered at the NORBRAIN core facilities in Trondheim, kindly visit:
NORBRAIN facilities in Trondheim are located at Norwegian Brain Centre, Faculty of Medicine and St. Olavs Hospital, NTNU.
NORBRAIN provides nationwide access to cutting-edge neurotechnology
NORBRAIN offers services to researchers from universities in Norway and other national users.
NORBRAIN is hosted by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), with University of Oslo (UiO) and University of Bergen (UiB) as partners. NORBRAIN facilities are shared between UiO, UiB and NTNU.
NORBRAIN is a national infrastructure financed by the Research Council of Norway.
To read more about NORBRAIN and our facilities, please visit our website:
Information about NORBRAIN
NORBRAIN enables research to determine neural mechanisms of behavior and crack the neural codes of the brain.
- To provide state-of-the-art research tools with a capacity for enabling novel insight into how complex mental functions and dysfunctions emerge from distributed neuronal activity in local brain circuits.
- To apply knowledge from basic science for the development of new diagnostic tools and treatments for neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders.
NORBRAIN Scientific Director
NORBRAIN Managing Director
To ensure our existence we need to show that scientists are using NORBRAIN facilities and that our services are reflected in publications. In order to make this visible, NORBRAIN should be acknowledged in publications when you use data acquired at NORBRAIN facility in your publications. Please use this sentence:
"The xxx was performed at the NORBRAIN facility, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)".
In addition, the NORBRAIN administration must be notified when such a manuscript is accepted for publication, so that we can register it in our archive.
If highly qualified technical personnel or scientific personnel from NORBRAIN facility contribute with their scientific knowledge to solve the scientific questions, they should be co-authors when the contribution is sin accordance with the "ICMJE Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals concerning Authorship and Contributorship".
Use of instruments and assisted use of instruments in well known methods and performed by technical staff, is not enough to require co-authorship.