

Research at Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience

Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience aims to understand how complex information is encoded in high-level neural networks, and how complex behaviour arise from these systems and codes. Research at the institute is organized across ten research groups and several research centres.



Trondheim node

NORBRAIN, The Norwegian Brain Initiative, is a large-scale infrastructure for 21st century neuroscience.

Hippocampus reduced feather. Confocal microscope image by Ragnhild Irene Jacobsen/KISN.

Viral Vector Core

Viral Vector Core

The Viral Vector Core at Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience is a well-equipped facility having rare expertise to make high quality viruses for research purposes.

Viral vector core facility. Photo.



Young Researchers of Centre for Algorithms in the Cortec (CAC) at the Kavli Institute.


Link to YROCK webpage

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