Grid cell data

Grid cell data

Grid cell

Grid cell

– raw data

We have started the process of uploading raw data from studies of entorhinal cortex and related regions for open access. So far key data from Sargolini et al (2006) and Hafting et al (2008) have been uploaded but more will come. Our intention is to make all raw data from all published studies available. The data contain a lot more interesting information than what has been published and we encourage users to dig further. Please do not hesitate to contact us for updates and information (

The shared data are in MatLab files and they include spike and position times for a number of simultaneously recorded grid cells on two experimental sessions in a large cylinder. Hopefully, this is fruitful for development of models, yet we do not commit ourselves to any particular use of the data as they are available to anyone.

You can use the data for whatever you want; all we would like is that you refer to the web site where you obtained the data in your Methods section when you write up the results (at the same time we take no responsibility for what is published!).

Let us know if what we upload satisfies your need. We intend to upload more in the future, generally after our own analysis of the data is finished.

PS: File size can be big; up to 2GB. To uncompress tgz files you should use winzip, 7zip or similar.

Gridcell news

Gridcell news

We provide these data free of any responsibility.

If you use these data, please be aware that the data provided might contain errors (difficult cell clustering/eeg constraints etc) that influence certain projects/studies more than others.

We will not change anything in the raw data from these publications. We will however publish relevant comments from users regarding the raw material. We and the other users of the data will strongly appreciate that users report discrepancies. Be aware that we will normally not check the comments in any way.

If we have to do any purely technical changes we will do them and report them here, clearly stated as technical changes.

Enjoy the data!

28/11/2013 Raw data comment from a user:

The following date in the Sargolini data has cells in which were actually from the reference electrode:

Rat 11265 06020601 (for example T3C1, T1C1, T4C5, T2C2).

In addition, we excluded some cells on 160306 because we suspected that hidden in the cluster cutting are remnants of other cells on the other tetrodes, causing unnaturally high correlations.

Especially, we excluded cells from rat 11265 16030601. Mainly cell T1C4 seemed to be unnaturally correlated with other cells on the other tetrodes, probably due to imperfect cluster cutting.

Grid cell


  1. Hafting et al 2005 (Updated 2017)
  2. Sargolini et al 2006 (Updated 2017)
  3. Brun et al 2008 (Updated 2018)
  4. Hafting et al 2008 (Updated 2017)

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