
Centre for Geophysical Forecasting



24.05.21 - Tempura presentation by Prof. Clinton Conrad

CGF were pleased to have Prof. Clinton P. Conrad from the University of Oslo come to visit CGF and to give a Tempura presentation today in our meeting room and also made available online.  Prof. Conrad´s research is directed toward gaining a better understanding of Earth's dynamic interior and so is very closely relevant for our WP7.  His group at Univ. Oslo develops 3D models of Earth's deforming mantle, constrained using seismic and geodetic observations such as Magneto-Telluric sensing as well as geological indicators of past Earth deformation. In particular, he leverages observations of Earth's topography, sediment cover, plate motions, mountain ranges, volcanism, sea level, and climate state, all of which change with time due to interactions with Earth's deforming and outgassing interior. The goal is to use these interactions to understand our planet's dynamic interior and its influence on the surface environment in which we live.  His presentation was on the Greenland uplift and implications for understanding the asthenosphere viscosity and dynamics.

24.03.03 - CGF workshop for Partners and Academics

The CGF held a workshop for Partners and Academics at the Clarion Hotel in Trondheim on 3-4 April.  This was the second opportunity for all partners and researchers to meet, the previous workshop being held in October 2022. 

The 80 participants (65 male and 15 female) included 35 partner representatives from 10 of our partners, with 20 PhD and Post Docs.  As in 2022, the focus was on bridging Partners to our research students, mainly PhD candidates, but whereas in 2022 the workshop focussed on student presentations and was largely driven by our students´ ideas, this time we reversed the roles and had the Partners do most of the presentations, laying out the scope of their interests and needs. 

The students all prepared posters of their work, which they introduced in a short 'elevator pitch´ to attract Partner representatives to come and discuss their research in a dedicated poster session held outside the main workshop room.  The format worked well and both students and Partners gave very positive feedback on the exchanges and learning. 

The afternoon of the second day capitalised on ideas generated in the first day and a half, selecting a number of new proposed projects for which we now have action items and ways forward.  This work provides important inputs for our future activity plans in CGF and the outline of each of the groups´ report has been captured in a workshop report for elaboration by research WP leaders in collaboration with interested Partners for work plans this year and next.


24.02.14 - Discussion forum with SIKT, ASN, NTNU and Sigma2 on Distributed Acoustic Sensing

On Wednesday 14th February SIKT invited researchers from ASN, NTNU and Sigma2 for discussions related to fibreoptic sensing and how to process and handle large amounts of distributed acoustic sensing data. Olaf Schjelderup presented how Sikt’s national research and education network could be used to accomplish the needed high capacity transfers. Jan Petter Morten presented details and possibilities for edge computing using the ASN interrogator. Sigma2 presented their infrastructure for storage and high performance computing and support they can offer to the research community. Robin Rørstadbotnen and Martin Landrø presented examples from CGF (all examples shown in the CGF annual reports).
One outcome of the meeting was to establish a link between CGF and Sigma2 to explore possibilities for effective analysis of large data volumes.


23.12.07 - One-day course on Storage of Carbon Dioxide in Saline Aquifers by Prof. Phil Ringrose

CGF invites you to join us for a one-day course given by NTNU Prof. and CGF Work Package leader Phil Ringrose on the Storage of Carbon Dioxide in Saline Aquifers.  This is an in-person version of the virtual course that Phil gave in September.

Venue:mNorwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU.

To register, visit

An email with course details will be sent at least 1 week before the start of the course to registrants.

For more information, visit or email



20th November - Webinar on the application of DAS in Geoscience and beyond by Prof. Martin Landrø

CGF is pleased to announce a webinar by Martin Landrø, Centre Director, on Distributed Acoustic Sensing. Martin will demonstrate various examples of geophysical analysis. Specifically, his webinar will look at a fibre optic cable between Ny Ålesund and Longyearbyen at Svalbard in the Arctic which has recorded a large number of whale calls and earthquakes. Examples of how distant storms in the South Atlantic can be observed in an Arctic fjord will also be shown. Additionally, Martin will consider efforts to monitor changes in quickclay during road construction at a site in Norway.

For more information and registration:



CGF are pleased to announce a keystone SEG online course by Phil Ringrose (CGF WP2 leader) on "Storage of Carbon Dioxide in Saline Aquifers – Building confidence by forecasting and monitoring"

Interest in carbon capture and storage (CCS) is growing rapidly as a crucial part of global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. To support this growth, we need to accelerate CO2 storage project developments. In this course, Prof. Phil  Ringrose reviews the science and technology underpinning CO2 storage in deep saline aquifer formations using insights from several industrial-scale projects.  Anyone may register for this online course at the SEG DISC site.  Course Dates and Times: September 27th and 28th from 9:00am- 12:00pm CST.


CGF is pleased to celebrate and take action on 8 June, World Ocean Day!

  • One Ocean,
  • One Climate,
  • One Future - Together

CGF recently participated in Oceanoise 2023, a key international conference focussed on the issue of noise in the ocean.  On the final day, session chairs and keynote speakers gathered to discuss the state of the art revealed during the meeting and resolved to issue an urgent call to action to reduce ocean noise for the benefit of the environment and, in turn, our own survival. 


CGF team members John Potter, Dr. Susann Wienecke, Dag Roar Hjelme and Steinar Bjørnstad are organising a special session on fibre-optics for marine sensing (including DAS and SOP) as part of the MetroSea 2023 workshop in Malta 04-06 Oct. this year

If you have something new and exciting in the areas of DAS and SOP or anything else you think could be relevant, get over to the MetroSea 2023 website at and start preparing your 4-page Abstract! UPDATE! The submission deadline for Extended Abstract Submission has been EXTENDED to June 21, 2023, so act now!


Happy Constitution Day Norway!  

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