Events 2022 – CGF
Events 2022
On 13th December CGF convened at 'To Rom og Kjøkken' in downtown Trondheim for a wonderful 'Julebord'. There was time to reflect on a year's hard work and achievements, celebrate in the good company of friends and colleagues, laugh over a playful 'Kahoot' quiz (thanks Helene!), tell a tall story or two and, perhaps the highlight of the evening, to enjoy an informal recital by our very own Kristina Skarvang, who played a traditional Norwegian fiddle, the "Hardingfele" in Norwegian, or "Hardanger fiddle" in English. Kristina played two pieces:"Rotnheimsknut, Halling" and "Kongstunen, Rudl", both greatly appreciated in the warm and cosy environment.
On the 18th October CGF hosted a site visit from the Norwegian Research Council (NRC). This is the first time the SFI-team from NRC has been able to visit CGF. CGF Director Martin Landrø and the leadership team spent 3 hours with the NRC visiting delegation, presenting the Centre and leading visits to some of our laboratory facilities and offices.
The NRC team comprised Liv Jorunn Jenssen (leader), Tarjei Malme and Pål Sigurd Malm. Two CGF commercial partners were also invited to give presentations; Espen Raknes from AkerBP and Olaf Schjelderup from Sikt. Thomas Tybell, Head of the Electronics Systems Department (IES) gave an overview of IES and the role IES plays in supporting the CGF. The discussions were very positive and CGF received valuable feedback, which will later be summarised in a report, including recommendations for future directions.
The CGF convened its first all-member workshop at the Scandic Nidelven hotel in Trondheim from 5-7 October, bringing engagement from partners, both research and commercial, to connect with NTNU researchers and each other over an intensive 3-day event. The first two days were spent in discovery, with partners and NTNU PhD researchers interleaving short presentations, with ample discussion time, coffee breaks and wonderful buffet lunches, for which the Scandic Nidelven is famous. Day 3 featured a series of working sessions, including Main, Research and Innovation Advisory Board meetings, together with group working sessions on ideas for what to change, what to keep, what to start afresh at CGF. The workshop was completed with distillation and focus sessions, into which was injected some exciting new perspectives, harvesting the best and most valued ideas generated during our joint work. CGF senior management now has some work on its hands to gather the products of this workshop, issue summary reports, and take action on the items that were identified!
The CGF ran a course on the geology and geophysics of CO2 storage in Spanish Pyrenees. The course was run by Philip Ringrose (NTNU, IGP/CGF) and Allard Martinius (TU Delft - Civil Engineering and Geosciences) 22-27th August in and around Ainsa in the foothills of the Pyrenees in Spain.
The focus was on understanding deltaic and fluvial sedimentary deposition and their influence on CO2 storage processes. The group also looked at the nature of caprocks, faults and fractures in the context of CO2 storage. The course blended field-site visits to outcrop sites with invited evening lectures on fluid dynamics, geophysics, geomechanics and sedimentology, providing a valuable training and team-building event for CGF PhDs and staff.
Professor Martin Landrø held the course "Geophysical Monitoring of CO2 Storage" on the last day of the third EAGE Workshop on Marine Acquisition arranged in Oslo 22-24 August. See the full program here.
Professor Anne Elster gave a Distinguished Lecture at the University of Bergen, entitled "Parallel Computing and AI: Impact and Opportunities". The lecture focused on adapting to developing technologies in the field and the potential to develop better algorithms and techniques to solve problems in the field for HPC.
Philip Ringrose and colleagues in WP2 in CGF gave a keynote talk on "Monitoring challenges for CO2 storage: interplay of fluid dynamics with 4D seismic response" at the SEG summer workshop: Toward Gigatonnes CO2 Storage Grand Geophysical Challenge.
This was part of a four-day workshop at the University of Stanford, California, focused on the subsurface challenges of large-scale geological sequestration and how geophysical methods can provide solutions to these challenges. Half the participants attended in person and half were online. As well as reviewing the latest work on CO2 storage, the workshop included brainstorming sessions on "hot topics" for CCS-related research. The summary of these discussions will be shared with the applied geophysics community as a basis for broader discussions in the years to come.
CGF researchers Martin Landrø and Ståle Emil Johansen presented the paper "Using DAS-fibre for lunar seismic imaging" at the European Lunar Symposium 2022 May 24th-26th together with co-authors Nicole Schmitz and Hans Amundsen.
A set of major mission themes has emerged from the 2020 ESA Call for Ideas, "Exploring the Moon with a large European lander", with a polar ice prospecting missjon identified and currently being studied as a candidate EL3 science mission. A combination of Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR), Magnetic Induction Spectroscopy (MIS) and Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) has been propsed to localize and 3D-map water ice and volatiles in the subsurface. Based on several terrestrial DAS-experiments and the rapid development of high sensitive DAS interrogators, we think there is great potential to use this technology for lunar subsurface exploration.
The EAGE Annual Conference 2022 will be taking place in Madrid June 6th-9th. We are pleased to announce that several of CGF's associated PhDs will be presenting at the conference, covering the following topics:
Kristoffer Tesdal Galtung - Poster: Diving waves in orthorhombic media.
Umed Kakhkhorov - Acoustic FWI of wide-angle 2D OBS: Japan Trench case study.
Jiaxin Yu - Rock physics modeling of geomechanical and saturation effect caused by CO2 injection.
Robin André Rørstadbotnen - Analysis of a Local Earthquake in the Arctic using a 120 km long Fibre-Optic Cable.
Kittinat Taweesintananon - Angle-variant 4D seismic time-shift analysis for velocity change and subsurface strain estimation.
Further information about the conference can be found here!
We had the pleasure of inviting all partners to a half-day discussion and presentation meeting at the CGF offices. The meeting was attended by the following partners: ASN, Equinor, Magseis Fairfield, Bane NOR, Sikt and Shearwater. The purpose of the meeting was two-fold; to create an opportunity for partners to meet and present CGF-related activities to each other and to discuss further areas of mutual interest. A more comprehensive partner meeting will be arranged in October, so there will be more upcoming opportunities for those who could not attend. CGF is also happy to host individual visits from partners at any time.
The CGF was pleased to host Tone Holm-Trudeng, Director of Renewables, and Fons ten Kroode, Chief Geophysicist, from our partner Magseis Fairfield for a site visit to the CGF on Gløshaugen campus in Trondheim. An initial introduction and orientation to the CGF and some of the Centre’s facilities expanded into an impromptu presentation by Fons on Full Wave Inversion techniques that was well-received by research staff and students, with interest to apply this innovative iterative approach to modelling DAS seismic data.
CGF is delighted to welcome Helene Alnes Vedlog to her new full-time role as Coordinator of the CGF. Helene first came to us on a ‘temporary attachment’ of a few weeks in March 2021, but was very quickly enticed to continue working with the CGF part-time, shared with the IES administrative office. We are now very happy that Helene has accepted the position of full-time coordinator and look forward to working with her for many years to come. Helene comes to us with a degree in Psychology and a Masters’ in Organisational Psychology, so is unusually well-qualified for building bridges across our pool of academics and industry partners.
After more than a year of tumultuous growth and development, we are both sad to say goodbye to Liv Elin Sandnes as our coordinator, but also delighted to congratulate her on taking up her new role as Organisation and Communications manager at the Museum of South Trøndelag (Museene i Sør-Trøndelag – MiST). Liv Elin was instrumental in overcoming many of the initial teething troubles of setting up the new Centre and managing the many liaison tasks with our partners. All at CGF wish Liv Elin the very best in her new role.