Events 2021 – CGF
Events 2021
CGF researcher Jo Eidsvik will give an EAGE short course on Value of Information in the Earth Sciences in January 2022. Read more here!
CGF researchers Phil Ringrose and Martin Landrø have participated in a new extensive EAGE short course on geological CO2 storage to be launched in January 2022. The course has been initiated by EAGE and is a collaboration where several CCUS (Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage) experts including researchers from Heriot-Watt and NTNU participate. Read more here and here.
A topical CGF workshop took place during the NIKT conference in Trondheim in early December. It was the 33rd Norwegian ICT conference for research and education (NIKT), and this year's NIKT event was co-chaired by our CGF WP leader Anne Elster. The workshop, entitled "AI and HPC in Geophysical Forecasting", was opened by CGF Director Martin Landrø and talks were given by Franz Fuchs (SINTEF), Susann Wienecke (ASN), Phil Ringrose (Equinor) and Ole Jakob Mengshoel (NTNU). Detailed programme for the CGF workshop and NIKT can be found here.
CGF-researcher and head of research at NORSAR, Volker Oye, has been interviewed by NRK about the earthquake risk in connection to a huge new road construction work in Rogaland, Norway. The current plans involve the construction of the longest underwater tunnel in the world. Read more here.
Prof. Anne Elster, an IEEE CS Distinguished Visitor Program Speaker, will be giving a talk to IEEE Computer Society's largest chapter (12,000+ members) entitled "AI for High Performance Computing: Experiences and Opportunities" tonight at 6pm PST, which is 3am here in Norway! The talk will focus on how AI techniques can be used in the development of the HPC environment and tools.
Prof. Potter delivered the inaugual seminar of the Distinguished Lecture Series on Cutting Edge Technologies for Underwater Communications, invited by the Technology Innovation Institute (TII) Autonomous Robotics Research Center (ARRC) of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The TII is a brand new cutting-edge scientific research centre based in the UAE under the umbrella of the Advanced Technology Research Council of Abu Dhabi.
Volker Oye from Norsar is presenting an invited talk at the Oslo SEG meeting on the Energy Transition today entitled "Passive Seismic Monitoring of CO2 Storage Sites".
Every year, NTNU runs a public outreach and education event called 'Researchers' Night'. This is an important dissemination event that brings together students and teachers from upper secondary schools and high schools in Trøndelag. This presented an excellent opportunity for CGF to connect with young minds and communicate our research. A CGF team designed, prepared and delivered a multi-media stand activity that included video, hands-on props, posters and a Kahoot competition on the subject of 'Listen to the Ocean', featuring FO DAS results and in-situ acoustic/video whale tags. The stand attracted many groups of students over three hours of display time and we even got a request for our preprint DAS paper from one student, who thought it should be published in Nature!
The chronicle article by Philip Ringrose and Martin Landrø is sparking a spirited debate! A reply to one of the commentaries on the article was published today by Martin Landrø, thanking Tore Torp for a post that we mainly agree with. Assessing what is expensive and not in connection with the capture and storage of CO₂ is demanding and Tore Torp is absolutely right in that it is possible to see this from a different point of view. We emphasise that capture and storage is not a "quick fix" with industrial companies queuing up to get involved.
Prof. Anne Elster gave an invited talk to the ScalPerf´21 meeting in Bertinoro, Italy entitled "From Norwegian Computing & IBM to Benchmarking Challenges & Autotuning"
Prof. Phil Ringrose gave an invited Keynote talk entitled “A Global Perspective on the CO2 Storage Potential for Africa” at the PESGB/HGS Africa E&P Conference (14-15 September 2021), an event co-sponsored by one of our Partners, Shearwater.
This was followed by a technical talk given by his PhD student Oscar Nhabanga (based on his PhD thesis work) entitled: “Shale Depth Functions for the Rovuma Basin Compared with Other Offshore Basins as a basis for Estimation of Ch4 and CO2 Containment Systems.”
Oscar is now at the Eduardo Mondlane University, in Mozambique (having completed his PhD at NTNU) and was awarded 'Best Overseas presentation' at the Conference.
21.09.14 - Chronicle article on CO2 storage by Landrø and Ringrose
As part of our public science outreach, two leading CGF professors (Martin Landrø and Philip Ringrose) recently published a chronicle article on the feasibility of CO2 capture and storage. The title points out that "Carbon capture and storage is too expensive, too uncertain, but is it still possible?" As the energy transition gathers place, the interest in this subject is growing. 10 years ago the authors started teaching CO2 storage subjects at NTNU. At that time there were approximately 8-10 students who took the subject. This year there are over 30 students. The article has stimulated several thoughtful responses, some claiming that the prospect for carbon capture and storage is too faciful to be practical, others saying that the article is too conservative and under-estimates the impact of this technology area in our future.
Our oceans are critical to the health of our planet and its inhabitants. Increasing pressures on our marine environment are triggering an urgent need for continuous and comprehensive monitoring of the oceans and stressors, including anthropogenic activity.
A team from CGF has just published a pre-print entitled "Sensing whales, storms, ships and earthquakes using an Arctic fibre-optic cable" describing recent results from a DAS experiment carried out using an interrogator from ASN on a Fibre-Optic (FO) cable offshore Svalbard owned by Uninett. For the first time, whales have been detected and can be localised using DAS. Ships are evident, and can be located within an rms error of 50m, compared to AIS 'ground truth'. There are also many exciting results from both local and distant seismic events and storms over 10,000 km distant, showing that DAS is capable of detecting and discriminating pressure, interface and compressional waves, including separating diving waves that interact with different layers of the earth's mantle. The large distance that the authors were able to probe down the FO cable (over 120 km) opens the door to the creation of a global atmosphere-ocean-earth monitoring observatory network.
An IEEE OES distinguisehd lecture was delivered by Prof. John Potter in collaboration with IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society through the Italian and Norwegian chapters on 23 July 2021 entitled "Fusion reactors, Fuel Cells, and Distributed Acoustic Sensing - What do they have in common and what might DAS now offer?" The lecture was given both in person at the University of Pisa and simultaneously online.
Prof. Potter was invited to give a plenary presentation at the Chinese Ocean Acoustics conference on 15th July, entitled "The best way to predict the future is to invent it - Some emerging game-changers in marine sensing". The lecture was delivered remotely to a live audience in China.
We are delighted to announce that a CGF paper entitled "Source level and vocalizing depth estimation of two blue whale subspecies in the western Indian Ocean from single sensor observations" has published in JASA today. The paper is a detailed examination of Ocean Bottom Seismometer data from a single hydrophone, showing how this can be used to investigate the range, sources levels and vocalisaion depths of two sub-species of blue whale in the Indian Ocean.
21.05.24 - Anne Elster's Keynote
Prof. Anne Elster gave a keynote talk at the Mobile Intelligent and Ubiquitous Computing Conference, on May 26th 2021, entitled "Parallel Computing and AI- Impact and Opportunities".
21.04.08 - Presentation on using polarisation data from FO network
Steinar Bjørnstad from Tampnet gave an inspiring presentation on the potential for "Using State of Polarisation data from fibre-optical communication systems for monitoring purposes". This is a new DAS technique which does not require the fibre to be dark and which can relatively easily be installed on existing fibres worldwide to provide massively extensive sensing coverage of the Earth's low-frequency activity.
21.03.11 - Webinar on AI in HPC by Prof. Anne Elster
This talk will focus on how AI techniques can be used in the development of HPC environments and tools. As HPC systems become more heterogeneous by adding GPUs and other devices for performance and energy efficiency, they also become more complex to write and optimise the HPC applications for. For example, both CPU and GOUs have several types of memories and caches that codes need to be optimised for. We show how AI techniques can help us pick among 10's of thousands of parameters one ends up needing to optimise for the best possible performance of some given complex applications. Ideas for future opportunities will also be discussed.
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21.03.09 - Online Seminar Univ. Oslo
Philip Ringrose (NTNU) and Anja Sundal (UiO) are convening an online seminar via Zoom, hosted by the Dept. of Geosciences, U. Oslo – on the 9th march 2021 12:00–15:30 (CET)
This half-day seminar will summarise insights gained from three recent projects on CO2 storage monitoring, especially to compare and contrast geophysical and geochemical monitoring methods.
21.03.01 - EAGE Geotech 2021
Two of our CGF key researchers, Prof. Martin Landrø (CGF Director) and Andreas Wuestefeld (Technology Lead, Fibre Optics at Norsar) were Featured Keynote Speakers at the recent EAGE Geotech 2021 online event 1-4 March 2021.
The EAGE GeoTech Conference features an exceptional line up of featured speakers in various disciplines related to geophysical monitoring technologies and applications. Hear from some of the key experts involved in subsurface, reservoir and production challenges at: