
Centre for Geophysical Forecasting




Journal Papers


Conference Papers


Other Publications




Journal Papers

Aaker, Ole Edvard; Raknes, Espen Birger; Arntsen, Børge. (2021) “Elastodynamic full waveform inversion on GPUs with time-space tiling and wavefield reconstruction”. Journal of Supercomputing, 77, 2416-2457, 2021. 

Abedi, Mohammad Mahdi; Pardo, David; Stovas, Alexey. “Approximations for traveltime, slope, curvature, and geometrical spreading of elastic waves in layered transversely isotropic media”. Geophysics 86(6) C173-C184, 2021. 

Anyosa, Susan; Bunting, Scott William Christopher; Eidsvik, Jo; Romdhane, Mohamed Anouar; Bergmo, Per Eirik Strand. “Assessing the value of seismic monitoring of CO2 storage using simulations and statistical analysis”. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 105, 2021. 

Bjertnes, Lars; Tørring, Jacob; Elster, Anne C. “LS-CAT: A Large-Scale CUDA AutoTuning Dataset”. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 67-72, 2021. 

Bouffaut, Léa, Landrø, Martin; Potter, John. ”Source level and vocalizing depth estimation of two blue whale subspecies in the western Indian Ocean from single sensor observations”. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149(6) 4422-4436, 2021. 

Elster, Anne C. “The European Factor: From ARM to Atos”. Computing in Science & Engineering (Print)  23(1), 102-105, 2021. 

Gineste, Michael; Eidsvik, Jo. “Batch seismic inversion using the iterative ensemble Kalman smoother”. Computational Geosciences 25. 1105-1121, 2021. 

Landrø, Martin; Foseide, Bjarte; Liu, Yi. “Using diving waves for detecting shallow overburden gas layers”. Geophysics 86(4) , 2021. 

Li, Bowen; Stovas, Alexey. “Decoupled approximation and separate extrapolation of P- and SV-waves in transversely isotropic media”. Geophysics 86(4), 2021. 

Nhabanga, Oscar Jose; Ringrose, Philip; Holt, Rune Martin. “Use of rock physics analysis of well logs to determine compaction history of Cretaceous shales in the Rovuma basin, Offshore Mozambique”. Geophysical Prospecting 69(6) 1282-1294, 2021. 

Pang, Shuo; Stovas, Alexey; Xing, Huayang. “Frequency-dependent anisotropy in partially saturated porous rock with multiple sets of mesoscale fractures”. Geophysical Journal International 227(1) 147-161, 2021. 

Ringrose, Philip; Furre, Anne Kari; Gilfillan, Stuart; Krevor, Samuel; Landrø, Martin; Leslie, Rory; Meckel, Tip; Nazarian, Bamshad; Zahid, Adeel. “Storage of Carbon Dioxide in saline acquifers: Physiochemical Processes, key constraints, and scale-up potential”. Annual Review of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 12, 471-494, 2021. 

Roganov, Yuriy; Stovas, Alexey; Roganov, Vyacheslav. “Use of perturbation theory in computation of phase velocities and polarization vectors in weakly anisotropic media”. Geofizicheskiy zhurnal, 43(3) 64-81, 2021. 

Shuai, Da; Stovas, Alexey; Wei, Jianxin; Di, Bangrang; Zhao, Yang. “Effective elastic properties of rocks with transversely isotropic background permeated by a set of vertical fracture cluster”. Geophysics 86(3) C75-C87, 2021. 

Song, Jin; Stovas, Alexey. “Reflection and transmission approximations for P, S1 and S2 waves in triclinic media”. Geophysical Journal International 224(1), 558-580, 2021. 

Stovas, Alexey. “On parameterization in monoclinic media with a horizontal symmetry plane”. Geophysics 86(1) C37-C49, 2021. 

Stovas, Alexey. “Perturbation in monoclinic medium with a horizontal symmetry plane”. Geophysical Journal International 226(1), 692-708, 2021. 

Stovas, Alexey; Roganov, Yuriy; Roganov, Vyacheslav. ”Geometrical characteristics of phase and group velocity surfaces in anisotropic media”. Geophysical Prospecting 69(1) 53-69, 2021. 

Stovas, Alexey; Roganov, Yuriy; Roganov, Vyacheslav. “Perturbation of phase velocities in elastic orthorhombic media”. Geophysics 86(4) C101-C118, 2021. 

Stovas, Alexey; Roganov, Yuriy; Roganov, Vyacheslav. “Pure mode P and S wave equations in elastic orthorhombic media”. Geophysics 86(5) C143-C156, 2021. 

Stovas, Alexey; Roganov, Yuriy; Roganov, Vyacheslav. “Wave characteristics in elliptical orthorhombic media”. Geophysics 86(3) C89-C99, 2021. 

Taweesintananon, Kittinat; Landrø, Martin; Brenne, Jan Kristoffer; Haukanes, Aksel. “Distributed acoustic sensing for near-surface imaging using submarine telecommunication cable: A case study in the Trondheimsfjord, Norway”. Geophysics 86(5) , 2021. 

Weber, Ulrich Wolfgang; Kipfer, Rolf; Horstmann, Edith; Ringrose, Philip; Kampman, Niko; Tomonaga, Yama; Brennwald, M.S.; Sundal, Anja. “Noble gas tracers in gas streams at Norwegian CO2 capture plants”. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 106, 2021. 

Wehner, Daniel; Borges, Filipe; Landrø, Martin. “Tube-wave monitoring as a method to detect shear modulus changes around boreholes: A case study”. Geophysics 86(3) B193-B207, 2021. 

Wu, Long; Thorsen, Rune; Ottesen, Signe; Meneguolo, Renata; Hartvedt, Kristine; Ringrose, Philip; Nazarian, Bamshad. “Significance of fault seal in assessing CO2 storage capacity and containment risks–an example from the Horda Platform, northern North Sea”. Petroleum Geoscience 27(3) , 2021. 

Xu, Shibo; Stovas, Alexey. “Perturbation-based traveltime approximation for two acoustic assumptions in the transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis”. Geophysical Prospecting 69(8-9) 1591-1605, 2021. 

Xu, Shibo; Stovas, Alexey; Mikada, Hitoshi; Takekawa, J. “On-axis triplications in elastic orthorhombic media”. Geophysical Journal International 224(1) 449-467, 2021. 

Zeng, Jing; Stovas, Alexey; Huang, H.; Ren, Lei; Tang, Tao. “Prediction of shale gas reservoirs using fluid mobility attribute driven by post-stack seismic data: A case study from Southern China”. Applied Sciences 11(219) 1-18, 2021. 

Zeng, Jing; Stovas, Alexey; Huang, Handong. “Anisotropic attenuation of stratified viscoelastic media”. Geophysical Prospecting, 69(1) 180-203, 2021. 

Zhu, Xiaoyu; Dong, Hefeng; Salvo Rossi, Pierluigi; Landrø, Martin. “Feature Selection Based on Principal Component Regression for Underwater Source Localization by Deep Learning”. Remote Sensing 13(8), 2021. 

Conference Papers

bin Waheed, Umair; Alkhalifah, Tariq; Haghighat, Friborz; Stovas, Alexey; Virieux, Jean. “Traveltime computation for qSV waves in TI media using physics-informed neural networks”. EAGE; 10-17, 2021. 

Bjertnes, Lars; Tørring, Jacob Odgård; Elster, Anne C., “Autotuning CUDA: Applying NLP Techniques to LS-CAT”. NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning, 1, 72-85, 2021. 

Constable, S.; Wang, Shunguo; Rychert, C.A.; Harmon, N.; Kendall, J.M. “The Central Atlantic Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary Study”. Marine Seismology Symposium; 2021-03-08 - 2021-03-19, 2021. 

Cui, X; Huang, H.; Stovas, Alexey. “A pre-stack inversion method based on Bayesian parameter relation constrained”. EAGE; 2021-10-17, 2021. 

Dong, Hefeng; Wu, Guoli. “Sub-surface characterization using ocean ambient noise”. The 6th Underwater Acoustics Conference & Exhibition (UACE2021); 2021-06-21 - 2021-06-24, 2021. 

Reyes Ortega, Valeria; Constable, S.; Wang, Shunguo. “Investigation of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary across the Mendocino Fracture Zone using marine Magnetotelluric method”. Marine Seismology Symposium; 2021-03-08 - 2021-03-19, 2021. 

Roganov, Yuriy; Stovas, Alexey; Roganov, Vyacheslav. “Calculation of wave parameters for weakly anisotropic media”. GEOInformatics, 1-6, 2021. 

Stovas, Alexey; Roganov, Yuriy; Roganov, Vyacheslav. “A fundamental singularity point in elliptic orthorhombic media”. GEOInformatics 1-6, 2021. 

Stovas, Alexey; Roganov, Yuriy; Roganov, Vyacheslav. “S waves behaviour in vicinity of the singularity point in EORT model”. SEG; 2021-09-26, 2021. 

Stovas, Alexey; Roganov, Yuriy; Roganov, Vyacheslav. “Shear waves in elliptical orthorhombic media”. EAGE Expanded Abstracts, 2021. 

Stovas, Alexey; Shuai, Da. “A vertical fracture cluster embedded into thinly layered medium”. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 6004-6004, 2021. 

Sund, Ingunn; Kirkhorn, Knut Aasgaard; Tørring, Jacob Odgård; Elster, Anne C. “BAT: A Benchmark suite for AutoTuners”. NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning,  2021. 

Tørring, Jacob O.; Meyer , Jan Chr.; Elster, Anne C. "Autotuning Benchmarking Techniques: A Roofline Model Case Study". 2021 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW), 806-815, 2021. 

Xu, Shibo; Stovas, Alexey. “Converted wave triplications in transversely isotropic media with a tilted symmetry axis”. EAGE Expanded Abstracts, 2021. 

Xu, Shibo; Stovas, Alexey; Mikada, Hitoshi. “Converted wave traveltime approximation in elastic orthorhombic medium”. EAGE; 2021-10-17, 2021. 

Xu, Shibo; Stovas, Alexey; Mikada, Hitoshi. “Extension of the kinematic approximations to the multilayered elastic orthorhombic medium”. SEG; 2021-09-26, 2021. 

Xu, Shibo; Stovas, Alexey; Mikada, Hitoshi. “On-axis triplications in elastic orthorhombic medium”. EAGE; 2021-10-17, 2021. 

Xu, Shibo; Stovas, Alexey; Mikada, Hitoshi. “Perturbation-based traveltime approximation from two acoustic VTI assumptions”. SEG; 2021-09-26, 2021. 

Yu, Jiaxin; Duffaut, Kenneth; Avseth, Per Åge.”Rock physics modeling for stress release in cemented sandstone”. the First EAGE Rock Physics Workshop in Latin America; 2021-12-01 - 2021-12-02, 2021. 

Zhang, Yi; De Siena, Luca; Stovas, Alexey. “Seismic waveform modeling and inversion with velocity-deviatoric stress-isotropic pressure formulations”. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 13094-13094, 2021. 

Zhu, Xiaoyu; Dong, Hefeng; Salvo Rossi, Pierluigi; Landrø, Martin. “Self-supervised Underwater Source Localization based on Contrastive Predictive Coding”. Proceedings of IEEE Sensors, 2021. 

Other Works

Anyosa, Susan. “Using data science, machine learning and statistics in sampling and monitoring for environmental applications”. TDC Community Week; 10-25, 2021. 

Amundsen, Lasse; Landrø, Martin. “From Arrhenius to CO Storage. XII: Model for Radiative Transfer of Fluxes in the Temperature-stratified Atmosphere”. GeoExpro 18(2) 60-62, 2021. 

Amundsen, Lasse; Landrø, Martin. ”From Arrhenius to CO Storage. Part XIII: The Temperature Profile in a Grey Atmosphere”. GeoExpro 18(6) 70-73, 2021. 

Amundsen, Lasse; Landrø, Martin. “From Arrhenius to CO Storage XI: How Earth’s IR Photons are Transferred in the Atmosphere in the Presence of CO”. GeoExpro 18.(1) 48-51, 2021. 

Landrø, Martin. “Karbonfangst og lagring er mulig”, Torp!. Adresseavisen, 2021. 

Landrø, Martin; Ringrose, Philip. “Karbonfangst og lagring er for dyrt, for usikkert, men likevel mulig?” Adresseavisen, 2021. 

Ringrose, Philip; Bentley, Mark. “Reservoir Model Design (2nd Edn)”. Springer Nature (ISBN 978-3-030-70163-5) 322, 2021. 

Ringrose, Philip. “Reimagining applied geoscience for the energy transition”. Geoscientist 3, 2021. 

Ringrose, Philip; Landrø, Martin; Potter, John; Eidsvik, Jo; Wienecke, Susann; Bouffaut, Léa; Oye, Volker; Dong, Hefeng; Elster, Anne C.; Johansen, Ståle Emil. “Next generation geophysical sensing: exploring a new wave of geophysical technologies for the energy transition”. First Break, 39, 61-64, 2021. 




Journal Papers

Elster, A. “The European Factor: From ARM to ATOS”, Computing in Science & Engineering, 23, 102-105, IEEE.

Paglia, J., Eidsvik, J., & Cerasi, P. (2020). "Workflow for Sensitivity Analysis and Decision Making on the Lower Limit of the Mud-Weight Window in an Overpressured Formation". SPE Journal.

Conference Papers


Other Publications


Publication Archive

