Effective monitoring and forecasting systems, offshore, coastal and onshore

Work Package 3

Effective monitoring and forecasting systems, offshore, coastal and onshore


To develop new geophysical methods and innovative systems for effective geophysical monitoring, prediction and forecasting.

What we will do

  • Develop new 4D seismic analysis methods exploiting full-waveform inversion and refracted waves to the full extent, leveraging cutting-edge HPC technologies.

  • Combine 4D PRM-seismic data with passive data and sparse surveys using a fixed source at platform.

  • Combine 4D seismic with gravity, EM-data, DAS technology and other data sources to improve the accuracy of estimates and pressure changes in a reservoir or CO2-storage site.

  • Improve use of instrumented shallow observation wells for monitoring changes in shear stiffness.

  • Test existing simple tools for acquiring seismic data in coastal areas and combine this with on-shore data (GPR, EM and seismic on shore).