
Programme Thursday 27 June

Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

Tentative programme ICPA2024 Trondheim, Norway

Venue: Dokkhuset, Dokkparken 4, 7042 Trondheim

SYMPOSIUM: Sport as a performance context for the ecological study of perception and action

Chairs: David E. Farrokh, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Gray F. Thomas, University of Connecticut, USA

09:00 The passing-affordance landscape in fútbol
Gray F. Thomas, Andrew J. Henreid, James A. Dixon (presenter), University of Connecticut, USA

09:20 Co-adaptation in flow experiences in attacker-defender dyads
David E. Farrokh (presenter), Joseph Stone, Keith Davids, Ben William Strafford, James L. Rumbold, Sheffield Hallam University, UK

09:40 Re-imagining performance spaces and locations in ecological dynamics: Implications for pedagogical practices in physical education
Martyn Rothwell (presenter), Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Øyvind Bjerke, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
Ben William Strafford, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Tim Robinson, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Craig Haslingden, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Martina Navarro, University of Portsmouth, UK
Keith Davids, University of Portsmouth, UK

10:00 An ecological research program for developing skilful performance in free throw shooting
Gray F. Thomas, University of Connecticut, USA

Coffee break
OPEN TALKS 2/SYMPOSIUM: Behavior settings: Contemporary theoretical and empirical perspectives


Chair: Claudia Carello

10:50 Advancing a dynamic systems approach to understand well-being
Paula Fitzpatrick (presenter), Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
Richard Schmidt, College of the Holy Cross, USA
R. Shraga, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
K. Foo, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
S. Kadam, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
K. Moncrief, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
Veronica Romero, Colby College, USA

11:10 Investigating patterns of interpersonal language similarity across communication medium and conversational context
Alexandra Paxton (presenter), Universiy of Connecticut, USA
Veronica Romero, Colby College, USA
T. Chowdhury, Colby College, USA

11:30 Strike a pose: A comparison of frame differencing and pose estimation methods for quantifying interpersonal movement coordination
Veronica Romero (presenter), Colby College, USA
Alexandra Paxton, Universiy of Connecticut, USA
H. Zhong, University of Chicago, USA
J. Cafritz, Colby College, USA
T. Chowdhury, Colby College, USA

11:50 Skill acquisition in a ball-and-beam task as a window into interpersonal coordination
Marijn Hafkamp (presenter), Remy Casanova, Reinoud Bootsma, Aix-Marseille Université, France

SYMPOSIUM: Behavior settings: Contemporary theoretical and empirical perspectives

Chairs: Giulia Di Rienzo, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Ludger van Dijk, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands

12:10 Reclaiming behavior settings: A review of the empirical application of Roger Barker’s behavior settings theory
Miranda Lucas (presenter), Christa Avram, Anne Jones, Louise Barrett, University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

12:30 An integrative perspective on Barkerian ecobehavioral science for the study of speech aid technologies
Konrad Zieliński (presenter), Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi (presenter), University of Warsaw, Poland

12:50 Behavior settings, situated action, and complexity theory
Harry Heft, Denison University, USA

13:10 Exploring the coordination of norms within a behavior setting: An ethnography
Guilia Di RienzoUniversity of Antwerp, Belgium

SYMPOSIUM: Developmental ecological psychology: Timescales in development

Chairs: Catherine Read, Rutgers University, USA
Ágnes SzokolszkyUniversity of Szeged, Hungary

14:30 An organicist developmental approach to the ecological self
Catherine Read (presenter), Rutgers University, USA
Agnes Szokolszky, University of Szeged, Hungary

14:50 A longitudinal study of developmental change and individual differences in affordance-action relationships in infancy
Nancy de Villiers Rader, Ithaca College, USA
(presented by Ágnes Szokolszky)

15:10 Longitudinal development of visual motion perception in preterm and full-term infants up to school age
Silje-Adelen Nenseth (presenter), Audrey van der Meer, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

15:30 The role of affordances in cognitive development: A scoping review
Lisette de Jonge-Hoekstra, Laura S. Cuijpers (presenter), University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Coffee break & setting up poster boards
View list of posters (pdf)
Tribute to Professor Michael Turvey’s life and legacy: Reminiscing with a beer in the hand

Michael Turvey - Wikipedia

Opening by William H. Warren, President of the ISEP International Society for Ecological Psychology ( Please bring brief stories and memories to share about your encounters with Michael and his work.


Time and place

Time & Place

The XXII International Conference on Perception and Action (ICPA)

Date: 25–28 June 2024

Venue: Dokkhuset
Address: Dokkparken 4, 7042 Trondheim

View conference map