Overview Programme

Overview Programme

Tentative programme ICPA2024 Trondheim, Norway, 25-28 June 2024

Tuesday June 25

View detailed programme Tuesday >>

Venue: Dokkhuset

18:00 Registration

19:00 Opening/Welcome reception

23:00 End

Wednesday June 26

View detailed programme Wednesday >>

Venue: Dokkhuset

08:15 Registration

08:45 Opening/SYMPOSIUM: Ecological Neuroscience

10:20 Coffee break

10:50 OPEN TALKS 1

13:30 Lunch

14:30 SYMPOSIUM: Progress in motor abundance research from an ecological perspective

15:50 Coffee break & setting up poster boards


18:00 ISEP Meeting

19:00 Sauna evening at HAVET (venue: HAVET)

23:00 End

Thursday June 27

View detailed programme Thursday >>

Venue: Dokkhuset

09:00 SYMPOSIUM: Sport as a performance context for the ecological study of perception and action

10:20 Coffee break

10:50 OPEN TALKS 2/SYMPOSIUM: Behavior settings: Contemporary theoretical and empirical perspectives

13:30 Lunch

14:30 SYMPOSIUM: Developmental ecological psychology: Timescales in development

15:50 Coffee break & setting up poster boards


18:00 Tribute to Professor Michael Turvey’s life and legacy: Reminiscing with a beer in the hand

19:00 End

Friday June 28

View detailed programme Friday >>

Venue: Dokkhuset

09:00 SYMPOSIUM: Reading, learning, thinking: Making sense of intellectual expertise

10:20 Coffee break & setting up poster boards

10:50 OPEN TALKS 3

13:30 Lunch

14:30 SYMPOSIUM: Perceptual-motor biases shape early social interactions, motor, and language development

15:50 Closing remarks with video clips of the conference highlights

16:05 Coffee break & setting up poster boards


18:00 End Poster session C

19:00 Organ concert in the Nidaros Cathedral, by invitation of the Mayor of Trondheim (venue: Nidaros Cathedral)

20:00 Conference Banquet in the Archbishop’s Palace (venue: the Archbishop’s Palace)

24:00 End

Time and place

Time & Place

The XXII International Conference on Perception and Action (ICPA)

Date: 25–28 June 2024

Venue: Dokkhuset
Address: Dokkparken 4, 7042 Trondheim

View conference map