Call for abstracts

Call for symposium proposals and abstracts


Symposia consist of four presentations around a specific topic. The organizer of the symposium should submit the title of the symposium (max. 30 words) and the symposium abstract. Symposium organizers should also submit the four symposium talk abstracts (each abstract up to 200 words). The duration of each presentation will be 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions. The submission deadline for symposium proposals is January 15th, 2024. Notification of Symposium acceptance will be February 1st, 2024.

Open talks

Presenters of the talks should submit the title and abstract (150-200 words) of the talk and the details for each author. Submission deadline for open talk abstracts is February 15th, 2024, with notification of abstract acceptance by March 15th, before early-bird pricing ends. The duration of the open talks will be 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions.


The Poster Book will be published online as a single PDF document, containing the final posters presented at ICPA-Trondheim. The Poster Book will be made publicly available on the ISEP website after the conclusion of the conference. Posters can be cited as publications in “Studies in Perception and Action XVII”.

Presenters of posters should submit the title of the poster (max. 30 words) with an abstract (150-200 words) and the details for each author by February 15th, 2024. Notification of poster abstract acceptance will be March 15th, before early-bird pricing ends. After poster acceptance, presenters should submit the final version of the poster in PDF format. The PDF version sent should be the same as the one presented in the poster session. PDF submission deadline for the poster book will be June 1st, 2024.


Abstract submission is now closed.

Important dates

Important dates

Conference registration opens: November 2023
Symposium proposals submission deadline: January 15th, 2024
Symposium proposals notification of acceptance: February 1st, 2024
Abstract submission deadline: February 15th, 2024
Open talks notification of acceptance: March 15th, 2024
Posters notification of acceptance: March 15th, 2024
Early-bird pricing ends: 31 March 2024
PDF submission for the poster book: June 1st, 2024

Time and place

Time & Place

The XXII International Conference on Perception and Action (ICPA)

Date: 25–28 June 2024

Venue: Dokkhuset
Address: Dokkparken 4, 7042 Trondheim

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