Welcome to ICPA 2024

Thank you for attending the conference!

Enjoy this video overview of the conference created by volunteer and professional filmmaker Juliana Mancini.


Welcome to The XXII International Conference on Perception and Action (ICPA 2024)

One of the commitments of the International Society for Ecological Psychology (ISEP) is to promote research in Ecological Psychology conducted by researchers from universities in different countries around the world. In accordance with this commitment, we are proud to announce that the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway will host the XXII International Conference on Perception and Action (ICPA).

Opening Lecture by Nobel Laureate Edvard Moser

Nobel Laureate Edvard Moser will deliver the opening lecture on Tuesday on the fascinating topic of neural computation of space and time, which should provide the perfect background for interesting discussions throughout the week. We are thrilled to host this meeting in the beautiful historic city of Trondheim founded over a thousand years ago and known for its rich cultural and scientific heritage and stunning natural surroundings. Our planned social events will provide a unique opportunity to experience both the historic and contemporary vibes of the city.

Topics of Interest

Within the ecological approach to perception and action, topics of interest include perception, motor control and coordination, development, ecological neuroscience, cognition, complex systems, social interaction, philosophy, art and design, among others. We hope that ICPA 2024 will be an exciting place for scientific discussion, social interaction, and cultural exploration.

poster book

Important dates

Important dates

Conference registration opens: November 2023
Symposium proposals submission deadline: January 15th, 2024
Symposium proposals notification of acceptance: February 1st, 2024
Abstract submission deadline: February 15th, 2024
Open talks notification of acceptance: March 15th, 2024
Posters notification of acceptance: March 15th, 2024
Early-bird pricing ends: 31 March 2024
PDF submission for the poster book: June 1st, 2024

Time and place

Time & Place

The XXII International Conference on Perception and Action (ICPA)

Date: 25–28 June 2024

Venue: Dokkhuset
Address: Dokkparken 4, 7042 Trondheim

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