Subject page for medicine and health - E-books and books
E-books and books
E-books and books
Students and staff at NTNU, St Olavs Hospital and The Central Norway Regional Health Authority have access to many e-books (access may vary between the instituions). E-books can be found by searching in Oria.
Usually, it is necessary to be connected to one of the insitutional networks (either by being on campus or using VPN) to be able to get access to our e-books. Information about NTNU VPN. It is also necessary to create a personal user on the different e-book platforms to be able to utilize functions like bookmarks, highlighting and personal notes in the books.
E-book collections with textbooks in medicine and health:
ClinicalKey Student (CKS) contains more that 300 textbooks, 850 videos, 85 000 images and 1500 clinical summeries. NB! In addition to using the correct network, access also requires that you create a personal user and log on the the platform. An app is also available.
The links in the table below takes you to the books available for the different basic disciplines in medicine. We recommend that you create a personal user for the book collection before using the links for easier access.
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine provides digital access to one of the most renown medical textbooks. Last edition (21. ed.) was published in 2022, but Harrison's Online is updated regularly independent of current edition. The e-book contains additonal resources in addition to the text. NB! Our subscription allows only 3 concurrent users. If access is denied, try again later.
Thieme Med One Education provides digital access to more than 112 textbooks in medicine and health. Pictures, videos and knowledge tests (quizzes) are also available.
Springer Link provides access to more than 10000 e-books in medicine and health. This collection has more specialist books and fewer textbooks intended for students.
Kliniske Undersøkelser [Clinical Investigations] is a videobook created and published by Center of Assessment at The Faculty of Medicine and Health, NTNU in 2020. The book contains text and QR-codes that lead to videoes associated with the text. This e-book is only available in Norwegian.
Use Oria to search for books, e-books, journals, reports and other document types. We have access to more than one million e-books. If you want to reserve books or order article copies, log on in Oria on the top menu with your Feide/NTNU credentials. More information is available by using the link below.
Oria – search for books, e-books, articles, journals and many other scholarly sources
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