Study environment - MSc in Coastal and Marine Engineering and Management (CoMEM+)
Student life

Through Coastal and Marine Engineering and Management (CoMEM+) you will join a group of students from a variety of continents, countries and cultures.
Learning environment
As a CoMEM+ student you will have the opportunity to experience a wide range of learning approaches. This includes traditional academic lectures, guest lectures from the industry, laboratory work, field trips, cutting-edge data programmes and solving challenges in groups.
The partner institutions offer innovative teaching through activities and tools that promote:
- team building, interaction, and interdisciplinary skills
- bringing theory, design, and practice together
- solving engineering problems through series of case studies
- designing and conducting experiments, analysing and interpreting data
- understanding the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context “debates, challenges”
All teaching is in English.
The universities offer a unique opportunity for students to access a wide portfolio of European laboratory facilities and field sites. Examples of field sites are; soft and rocky coasts, exposed and enclosed coasts, hyper-tidal environments, commercial and leisure harbours, and aquaculture installations.
International study environment
The student group comprises of student from many continents, countries and cultures. The student mobility scheme between the participating institutions offers native languages exposure to up to four other languages depending on your track choice. In addition to practicing and perfecting your English skills you can enjoy the potential to pick up language skills from the countries you visit, three or all four, which include: Spanish/Catalan, French, Italian and Norwegian. Cultural orientations are included in the introductory arrangements after your arrival.
Your first common semester at NTNU, begins with the mandatory Orientation Week for all our international students. During this week there will be arranged activities to get to know other students. Specifically, for our CoMEM+ students informal student afternoon meetings (once every three weeks) during the semester are arranged so everyone get to know each other.
The academic seminars bring students together and will be followed by social activities that promotes cultural, social and knowledge exchange. You will also interact with local students, in classes and outdoor activities.
Student in Trondheim
Trondheim is known for its great student environment and has been named Norway's best student city. Trondheim has over 180 000 inhabitants and 33 000 students who make their mark on the city. Whatever you like to do in your spare time, you will definitely find something to do in Trondheim.