Programme structure

MSc in Coastal and Marine Engineering and Management (CoMEM+)

Programme structure

Teaching in the Hydrotechnical Laboratory.
Photo: Geir Mogen/NTNU. Teaching in the Hydrotechnical Laboratory.

Study tracks and institutions attended

Semester Track 1: Future Ports and Waterways (NTNU, UPC, Builders/UNICAEN) Track 2: Coastal Environmental Engineering (NTNU, UPC, UNIGE) Track 3: Shore Management (NTNU, UNIGE, Builders/UNICAEN)
1. semester Summer school (introduction at NTNU) Summer school (introduction at NTNU) Summer school (introduction at NTNU)
2. semester Winter school (introduction UPC) Winter school (introduction UPC) Winter school (introduction at UNIGE)
3. semester Workshop Builders/UNICAEN (compulsory) Workshop Builders/UNICAEN (Optional recommended) Workshop Builders/UNICAEN (compulsory)
Individual summer internship Individual summer internship Individual summer internship
4. semester Master's thesis 30 ECTS (at one of the universities visited) Master's thesis 30 ECTS (at one of the universities visited) Master's thesis 30 ECTS (at one of the universities visited)

NTNU: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, UPC: Universitat Politecnica Catalunya in Spain, Builders: Builders École d'ingénieurs, UNICAEN: University of Caen Normandy, UNIGE: University of Genoa.

1. semester

Study plan

1. semester

All student start at NTNU in Norway for the first semester where you will take courses to strengthen your engineering skills.

Track 1: Future Ports and Waterways
Track 2: Coastal Environmental Engineering
Track 3: Shore Management

1. semester - All tracks - NTNU - 30 ECTS ECTS Track
    1 2 3
TBA4265 - Arctic and Marine Civil Engineering 7,5 C C C
TBA4145 - Port and Coastal Facilities 7,5 C C C
TBA4260 - Ice Actions on Arctic Structures 7,5 E E NA
TPK4120 - Safety and Reliability Analysis 7,5 E E C
TBA4275 - Dynamic Resp. to Irreg. Loadings 7,5 E E NA
FI5205 - Corporate Responsibility and Ethics 7,5 NA C1 C1
PSY3151 - Environmental Communication 7,5 NA C1 C1

C: Compulsory, E: Elective, C1: Either FI5205 or PSY3151 must be chosen, NA: Not available choice for the track. 

2. semester

In the second semester you follow your chosen study track to the partner university.

2. semester

Track 1: Future Ports and Waterways
Track 2: Coastal Environmental Engineering

2. semester - Track 1 and 2 - UPC - 30 ECTS ECTS Track
    1 2
250600 - Coastal Processes and Dynamics (pdf) 5 C C
250601 - Coastal Sustainability: Defence and Realignment (pdf) 5 C C
250602 - Coastal Zone Planning and Management (pdf) 5 C C
250613 - Coastal Multidisciplinary Project: Sustainable Engineering in the Coastal Zone (pdf) 5 NA E
250614- Design of Coastal and Harbour Structures: Deterministic and Probabilistic (pdf) 5 C E
250612 - Impacts, Conflicts and Risks: Present and Future Conditions (pdf) 5 C C
250MUM027 - Port management and Maritime Transport 5 C E
250615 - Meteo-Oceanographic Time Series: Time and Frequency Analyses (pdf) 2 OR OR

C: Compulsory, E: Elective, OR: Optional recommended extra course, NA: Not available choice.

Track 1 students are encouraged to attend the course AT-301 Arctic Infrastructures in a Changing Climate at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) as a recommended optional extra course in the period from mid-August to mid-September. 

3. semester

3. semester

After a specialised second semester with coursework at UPC or UNIGE, you attend workshops in Caen, France in Port Engineering and Maritime Works, Offshore Renewable and Aquaculture or Shore Management. 

Track 1: Future Ports and Waterways
Track 2: Coastal Environmental Engineering
Track 3: Shore Management

Workshop at Builders École d'ingénieurs (Builders) ECTS Track
    1 2 3
Port Engineering and Maritime Works (pdf) 8 C NA NA
Offshore Renewables and Aquaculture (pdf) 8 O OR O
Shore Management 8 NA NA C

C: Compulsory, OR: Optional recommended extra course, O: Optional extra course, NA: Not an available option.

All students shall attend a 4-5 weeks internship. The most practical period would be between semester 2 and 3. The universities will assist in providing internships. 

In semester 3 you will specialise further.

3. semester

Track 1: Future Ports and Waterways

3. semester - Track 1 - Builders/UNICAEN - 22 ECTS ECTS Track
EFP-90001 - Hydraulics (wave simulation) 6,5 C
EFP-90002 - Inland waterways and dredging 6,5 C
EFP-90003 - CSR and societal acceptability 4 C
EFP-90004 - Port management and exploitation 5 C
EFP-90005 - Advanced structure design   OR
EFP-90006 - Berthing and mooring structure   OR
EFP-90007 - Lab project   OR
EFP-90005 - Real case project   OR

C: Compulsory, OR: Optional recommended extra course

Track 3: Shore Management

3. semester - Track 3 - Builders/UNICAEN - 22 ECTS ECTS Track
ES-90001 - Coastal development 5 C
ES-90002 - Inland waterways, layout and dredging 6 C
ES-90003 - Sizing 6 C
ES-90004 - Management of ports and shores of tomorrow 5 C
ES-90005 - Lab project 8 OR

C: Compulsory, OR: Optional recommended extra course.

4. semester

4. semester

In semester 4, you write your Master's thesis. Each university offers a wide range of master thesis topics in the field of the track specialisation.