News - HPC-Lab
News & Events
News & Events
See also
Recent visits/visitors:
- PhD student Jacob O. Tørring is currently on exchange for 3 months to Stanford University
- PhD student Jakob R. Jørgensen, U of Århus, Denmark, spent Spring 2021 with us
- Prof. GavinTaylor, US Naval Academy, spent his13-month sabbatical leave from USNA at HPC-Lab (June 2017-Aug 2018). His research interests are in Deep Learning/Machine Learning and HPC. We learned a lot from eachother!
- Prof. Charles Leiserson, MIT was to visit spring 2020 -- postponed until 2023 or 2024 due to the Covid-19 pandemic
Current & Upcoming news & events:
- Elster and Jan Christian Meyer are serving as PC chairs for the IEEE IPDPS 2023 HCW workshop
- Tørring and Elster got their paper accepted to IPDPS iWAPT2023
- Claudi Lleyda Moltó joined as a PhD student (SFI-CGF) Feb. 1, 2023
- Tobias Dyngeland joined as a PhD student (SFI-CGF) Jan. 12, 2023
- Dr. Bart Iver van Blokland joined as a Post Doc Jan. 1, 2023
- Tor A. Haugdahl joined as a PhD student (RSO) Dec. 2022
- Maren Wessel-Berg joined as a PhD student (SFI-CGF) Fall 2022
- Dr. Ajeet Pathak finally joined us as an ERCIM Post Doc in April 2022 (Covid-19 visa delays)
- Elster continues reviewing proposals for EU and Journals.
- She is one of the Associate Editors of IEEE CiSE (Computing in Scence and Engineering) responsible for the Computer Architecture Track Link.
- Elster is serving on the NTNU Board 2022-23 as a fcaulty representative (1st alternate 2023-2025)
- Elster is serving on her College´s board, IE Faculty Board, 2021-2025
- Elster is serving on the IE Faculty´s hiring committee (2021-25)
- Elster is serving on an Evaluation Committee for Sweden´s Vinnova, spring 2023
- Elster is serving on the RFK (National Resource Allocation Committe for computing, storage and advance user support, Sigma2. Member 2019-22 & 2023-26.
- Elster is serving on the SC23 Test of Time Commitee.
Past events:
- HPC-Lab had a well-visited booth at SC22
- Elster served on the SC22 Feinbach Award and the BOF Committees
- Elster server on the PhD defense evalution committee for
David Strelak (cotutelle of Masaryk University and UAM, Spain), Oct 2022
Elster gave an invited talk at Scalperf22, Bertinoro, Italy, Sept 2022
Elster served as a PhD Opponent for PhD candiate Carl-Johannes Johnsen at DIKU, Univ of Copenhagen, March 2022 Link
- Elster served on the ICT Eval. Committee, SFF (Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research), 2021-22
- Elster was a 2019-2022 Distinguished Speaker for IEEE Computer Society both for North America: Link + Europe, Middle East & Africa: Link. Her IEEE CS bio is here:
- Elster was a NIK/NIKT Board member (2017-2021) & Co-Chair NIKT 2021
- Elster has reviewed research proposal for Research Council of Faroe Island
- Elster was one of 10 selected to be part of Intel´s Emerging Technologies Program, Spring 2021.
- Elster is serving on the 2021 ACM SIGHPC Dissertation Award Committee.
- Elster serving on the ICPP 2021 Programming Committee (Software)
- HPC-Lab had a booth at SC2021
- Elster serving on the SC 2021 BOF Committee (She served as Co-Chair of BOFs last year).
- Elster serving on Norway´s National Resource Allocation Committee for HPC (RFK). (Served since 2019)
- Elster is gave an invited talk at BARC2021 on Jan. 29, 2021:
- Univ. of Århus, Denmark, AI PhD-student Jakob Rødsgaard Jørgensen has arrived. He will be visiting HPC-Lab until summer 2021. He will give a presentation Jan 29, 2021
- HPC-Lab Master student Ingvild Høgstøyl is doing her Masters at CERN Sept 2020-spring 2021
- Dec 2020: Center for Geophyscial Forcasting formally opened. Supported by 8-yr SFI project that Elster and HPC-Lab are a part of:
- Elster selected to serve on faculty selection committee i Spain, spring 2020
- Elster served as Co-Chair for BOFs for SC20, will also help with SC21 BOFs.
- Elster served on the SC20 Tech Paper Committee -- Applications
- Dr. Ajeet Pathak gave a joint HPC-Lab/Norwegian Open AI Lab seminar on “Handwritten digit classification on GPUs using CNN with cuDNN” , Sept 25, 2020.
- HPC in the Cloud Workshop/Tutorial at HPC-Lab Feb 6, 2020. See:
- Elster was invited to be part of Panel and gave a talk at Multicore Worlds in NZ,Feb 18-20, 2020. See:
- Elster gave guest lecture at MHPCC in Maui, USA, Jan. 24, 2020
- Elster volunteered to teach the CS intro course for CS majors as an inspiration for our female students.
- Elster served on ISC PC -- HPC Applications
- Elster served on BOF Committee for SC19.
- HPC-Lab hosted another booth this year at SC19 in Denver in November.
- Elster met with Grapcore in Oslo in September 30, 2019
- Elster attended the Board meeting of NIK (Norwegina Informatics Conference), Sept. 30, 2019
- Elster attended and presented at ScalPerf 2019 in Bertinoro, Italy
- Frekrik Kjølstad gave guest lecture in TDT4200 on Friday 10:15-11:00 in F6.
- Fredrik Kjølstad gave HPC-Lab seminar Friday, Aug 30. We also invited AI-Lab. See:
- Attended AI Challenge Workshop on June 18, 2019 connected to NTNU Big Challenge:
- Elster to give IEEE CS DVP talks at CCSU and U of Bridgeport in Connecticut on April 24 and 25, 2019:
- Elster attended the annual Dell EMC HPC conference MARCH 25-27, 2019 in Austin, Texas,
- Elster gave one of the invited talks at Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2019 on March 11 in Warsaw, Poland:
- Elster gave talk "AI for HPC in Oil & Gass: Exoeriences and Opportunities" on March 4, 2019 at the Rice Oil& Gas HPC conference
- Elster presented paper by HPC-Lab PhD student Samira Pakdel and herself @ PDP2019 in Pavia, Italy, Feb 13-15, 2019
- Elster visited Nils Høimyhr at CERN on Feb 12, 2019 to discuss future collaborations.
- Elster attended "Ide-dugnad" re. Nord Univ in Mo i Rana on Jan 14
- Elster attended the NTNU Leadership meeting in Oppdal, Norway on Jan 17-18. She is the 1st Faculty Alternate on the NTNU Board.
- Our second IBM AC299 node with 4 Nvidia V100 arrived and is now installed!
- Elster was on a 6-month research leave/sabatical at the University of Texas at Austin for summer & Fall 2018, including visits to MIT, Stony Brook and USNA/The University of Maryland
- Our new NIVDIA DGX2 is scheduled to arrive and be installed on Dec 14!
- Dec 2018: Visit to MIT and Stony Brook.
- Nov/Dec 2018: An additional IBM Power 9 node with 4 V100 GPUs ordered for HPC-Lab
- Nov. 2018: HPC-Lab again hosted NTNU's booth at SC. It was nice to meet many of you at Booth #3003 @SC18 in Dallas. We will be back in Denver, CO for SC19, November 2019 -- see you there!
- Sept. 2018: Elster servers on the NIK board and attended the annual conference and board meeting at Longyearbyen, Svalbard. PhD students Samira Pakdel contributed with a poster and Bart van Blokland with a paper, both with Elster as co-author. Colleague Prof. Theo Theoharis is Bart's main advisor on co-author of the paper that Bart presented. Bart is teaching Elster's TDT 4200 Parallel Programming class this semester.
- Sept 2018: Elster gave a guest lecture for TDT 4200 while back on a visit to NTNU
- The HPC-Lab 10th Anniversary Workshop was held Sep 26, 2018, Rm H1, Main Bldg, NTNU-Gløshagen, Trondheim. See:
- July 2018: Elster and Taylor attended ICML in Stockholm, Sweden
- Elster and Gavin Taylor gave talks at NTNU-Ålesund on June 17, 2018. See link
- Elster served as a PhD External Examiner at the PhD defense of Ali Charara at KAUST, Saudi Arabia on May 9, 2018. Prof. David Keys was the main advisor. Thesis title "High Performance Covariance Matrix Computations on Heterogeneous Systems".
Photo from Ali Chararas PhD defense at Kaust
- Elster gave a talk at the ASC Worskhop and was a judge for the ASC student competition in Nanchang, China May 8-9.
- Elster presented the last paper from the EU H2020 project Cloud Lighting in Orlando in April talking @ Workshop on Container Technologies & Container Clouds in the morning @ IEEE IC2E.
Thomas Falch, did a great job at his PhD defense March 16! Congratulations Thomas! Profs. Barbara Chapman and Fredrik Manne as well as Assoc. Prof. Kerstin Bach serverd on the PhD defense committee.
- Elster served as the Internal Opponent at the PhD defense of Ctirad Sousedik on Jan 30, 2018 at NTNU-Gjøvik.
- Elster served on the ISC 2018 BOF Committee. She also attended ISC 2018.
- CL-HPC 2018 Industrial brief and Workshop -- Jan 15, 2018 organized by HPC-Lab. A very successful event with presentations by Drs. Alf Rustad (Statoil Research), Tobias Becker,(Maxeler), Gavin Taylor (USNA) and Tian Li (NTNU Energy & Process Engineering), in addition to HPC-Labber Drs. Malik Khana and Anne Elster. We a lot of potential for future collaborations!
- Dec 18: Elster served on the external evaluation committee of KTH PhD Ivy Bo Peng who successfully defended her thesis entitled "Data Movement on Emerging Large-Scale Parallel Systems" . Her advisors were Profs Erwin Laure and Stefano Markidis , and the opponent was LLNL CTO Dr. Bronis R. de Supinski. Profs. Siegfried Benkner (Vienna) and Christop Kessner (Linköping) served with Dr. Elster on the external committee.
- HPC-lab hosted NTNU's booth at SC17
- Sept 2017: Elster serves on faculty hiring committee at U of Tromsø/The Artic of Norway
- Sept 21: Elster servers on master's committee at U of Oslo
- Sept 10-13: Dr. Malik Khan attends PPAM17 where a joint paper with CERTH was presented entitled "GPU power modeling of HPC applications for the simulation of heterogeneous clouds".
- August 2017: 6+ new master students joins HPC-Lab. See
- July 2017: Dr. Wefeng Liu joins HPC-Lab funded by EU H2020 MCSA Post Doc project TICOH: Taming Irregular Computations On Heterogeneous processor. Approved jan 27, 2017, funded 2017-2019. Elster is PI.
- EU H2020 ICT FEIT 2014 Project CloudLightning: Self-Organizing, Self-Managed Heterogeneous Clouds funded 2015-2018. Elster is NTNU's PI
- Elster to serve as 1st Alternate (out of 3) for the permanent employees representatives on NTNU's Board (2017-2021). She is also one of the alternates for the IE Board.
- June 2017: Prof. Gavin Taylor, US Naval Academy, and two of his Midshipmen, Samuel (Sam) Mahoney and Madeline (Maddie) Reynolds, joined HPC-lab. Prof. Taylor will be here for 14 months (sabbatical leave from USNA) while his students will be here for a month.
- June-Sept: Elster serving as Expert Evaluator re. faculty promotion at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.
- June 27, Elster servered as an opponent for MD. Naim at Univ of Bergen, Norway. Advisor: Prof Fredrik Manne.
- June 22, Elster gave invited talk at ISC Workshop OpenSuCo.
- June, HPC-LAB part of CloudLightning posters and presentations at ISC.
- May 12, Visit to ICES at Univ. of Texas at Austin
- May 8, 2017: Elster gave talk at GTC 2017 in San Jose, California, USA
- April 5: Elster attends RCN's ERC 10-year evenet in Oslo
- April 4: Elster visited NTNU-Gjøvik
- March 31: Elster visisted NTNU-Ålensund
- March 16: Elster served on the Education panel organized by Morgenbladet at Samfunnet
- Jan 10, 2017: Elster participated in the NOKUT panel in Oslo at UofO : (NOKUT is Norway's Accreditation organization for higher ed) on the discussing the recent educators' survey
- See also interview with me in Norway's main financial paper as well as several other university papers, etc:
Fall 2015/Spring 2016
Elster on research leave (sabbatical at The University of Texas at Austin
- May 28: Elster attends NOKUT eval meeting in Oslo (evaluating two study programs for accredidation)
- April 16-17: Elster attends EU COST NESUS MC meeting in Budapest
- Feb 16-17: Elster attends H2020 CloudLightning project kick-off meeting in Cork, Ireland
- Jan 19: Alf Birger Rustad from Statoil visited HPC-Lab
- Nov: HPC-Lab booth at SC14 in New Orleans
- Oct: Adapteva donated two Parallella boards, plus "Porcupine" breakout board
- Oct: Nvidia donated two Jetson TK1 Development Kits
- Sep 26: HPC-Lab stand at NTNU's Researchers' Night
- Sep: CloudLightning EU project proposal got approved! HPC-Lab will be the Test Site, which means a hardware grant for us.
- Elster served on the SC14 Tech program as paper reviewer.
- Feb 13: HPC-Lab seminar with Tucker Taft: "Parallelism Without Pointers: Bringing Value Semantics to Object-Oriented Parallel Programming"
- Mar: HPC-lab supplied two PCs to Hackerspace NTNU for use with their Oculus Rifts
- Jan: Johannes Kvam (PhD student) and Anne Stahl(Post Doc) joined the HPC lab
- Dec 13: Dr. Muigel del Amor Martinez, gave a talk at HPC-Lab
- Nov: HPC-Lab booth at SC13 in Denver
- Sep 27: HPC-Lab stand at NTNU's Researchers' Night. (Photos from the event)
- Elster gave two talks at the GTC 2013 Conference: Link to presentations
- Elster served on SC'13 Panels and Workshop Committees, as well as on the Program Committees for ISC'13 and ParCo 2013
- Jun 14: Ph. D. student Lane Holloway at UT Austin passed his proposal defence. Elster is his co-advisor.
- May 31: HPC-Lab member Jan Chr. Meyer awarded Ph. D.
- Jan: 5 HPC-Lab Ph. D. students attended SINTEF Winter School at Geilo.
- PhD student Jan Christian Meyer defended his dissertation in Dec 2012.
- HPC-Lab featured in article on Sept 21, 2012.
- Elster invited to give NTNU's Phyisics Dept. Colloquium on Sep 14, 2012: " GPU-based Simulations and Visualizations & other HPC Trends"
- Samira Pakdel joins HPC-Lab this fall as a PhD applicant in heterogeneous computing.
- Thomas Falch joined HPC-Lab as a research assistant and PhD applicant in July. He is supported by the Medical Computations and Visualization project Elster has with Drs. Frank Linseth and Trond Kvamsdal.
- Paper "Simulation of Population Dynamics P systems on CUDA" with HPC-Lab visitor Miguel Ángel Martínez Del Amor and co-authors I.PP. Hurtado, A.G. Rubio, A.C. Elster and Mario De Jesús Pérez Jiménez accepted as full paper at CMSB 2012.
- HPC-Lab staffed NTNU stand at ISC2 in Hamburg June 18-20, 2012
- Ivar Ursin Nikolaisen joined HPC-Lab as officially as a PhD student funded by Statoil on March 29, 2012. Dr. Alf B. Rud from Statoil is his co-supervisor.
- PhD student Grant Strong from Canda is visiting with HPC-Lab for the spring 2012 semester. Stop by his office in IT-vest 417 for a chat!
- HPC-lab has received a NOK 1 mill equipment grant "Realt-time HPC Sytems" from NTNU IME (our Dean's office) for 2012
- HPC-Lab PhD student Rune E. Jensen gave talk at joint EU COST meeting in Poznan, Poland May 2012
- Dr. Ester gave talk at EU COST meeting in Genoa, April 2012
- Dr. Ester gave talk at EU COST meeting in Timisoara, Romania, January 2012
- PhD student Miguel Angel Martinez del Amor from Univ. of Seville, Sevillia, Spain, main supervisor Dr. Mario de J. Perez Jimenez, visited with us for several months in Fall 2011.
- Elster serving/served as Program Committee member of IEEE IPDPS 2011 (finished 12 paper reviews Nov/Dec 2010), as well as ParCo 2011, GHC'11 and SC'11 and SC'12 Tutorial Committees.
- Dr. Elster to give on-line invited talk on GPU Computing Research Forum , TBD.
- Dr. Elster was on research leave at The Univ. of Texas 2010/11 academic year
- Elster gave invited talk at "International Symposium on Computer Simulations on GPU and other non-standard architectures", Germany, May 30-June 1, 2011
- Yngve Lindal is did his Master thesis at CERN spring 2011 (Elster still main advisor)
- Dr. Elster served as "opponent" at PhD defence at Dept of Computer Science, U of Tromsoe, Feb 24, 2011. Giving invited seminar talk there on the next day.
- Elster gave 50-minute invited talk at IMA Workshop High Performance Computing and Emerging Architectures , January 10-14, 2011, Univ. of Minnesota, USA.
- 2 co-authored papers by HPC-Lab members presented at IEEE IPDPS 2011 (HCW and MTAAP), Anchorage, Alaska, May 2011.
- Thorvald Natvig defended his PhD on Dec 20, 2010 Profs. Brian Vinter(Copenhagen Univ.) and Otto Anshus (U of Tromsoe) as well as NTNU's Dr. Joern Amundsen were opponents.
- HPC-Lab with 20x30ft NTNU stand at SC'10 (Booth 1113)
- Thorvald Natvig, Jan Chr. Meyer and Elster presented paper at SC'10
- Elster was the main organizer of BOF "Towards Exa-Scale: Heterogeneous Clouds (CPUs, GPUs, Embedded Devices) at SC'10
- Rune E. Jensen received Norsk Regnesentrals pris (The NRprize) for Best master thesis in Math and ICT at NTNU 2008/2009 for his Masters thesis "Techniques and Tools for Optimizing Codes on Modern Architectures". Jury statement (in Norwegian) and photos. Elster was his thesis advisor. Rune is now a PhD candidate at HPC-Lab.
- Dr. Elster gave invited talk on "Optimizing Codes for OpenCl and CUDA" at INFORMS 2010, Austin, TX, Nov.7, 2010.
- Dr. Elster co-organized workshop at IEEE Cluster 2010 on Crete in Greece, Sept. 20-24 2010 as one of four WG leaders in EU COST Action 0508
- Two HPC-lab papers presented at HCCE/IEEE Cluster
- Dr. Elster gave talk "The SOR as a Benchmarking Tool for Single- Multiand Many-core System" at NumAn 2010 , Sept 15-19, 2010, Chania, Crete, Greece
- Thorvald Natvig presented work with Elster on "Run-Time Analysis and Instrumentation for Communication Overlap Potential" at EuroMPI2010, Sept 12-15.
- "Integrated MS/PhD" student Erik Smistad joins HPC lab. Main advisor: Frank Lindseth, co-advisor Elster.
- 7 new master students joined HPC-Lab fall 2010. See
- THOR Webpage up
- Master students Aleksander Gjermundsen and Andreas Hysing turned in their theses in July and August, respectively.
- HPC-lab member Thorvald Natvig turned in his PhD thesis for external review on June 30, 2010.
- Dr. Elster serving on AHM2010 (UK eScience meeting) PC
- Master students Ahmed Aqrawi, Øystein Krog and Holger Ludvigsen turned in their theses in June!
- Dr. Elster gave 10-15 min talk on HPC in Norway during opening session at CCP 2010 on June 23, 2010.
- Dr. Elster gave invited talk on "Computational Physics on GPUs" at CCP 2010 on June 23, 2010.
- HPC_lab alumni Eirik Aksnes visited us today (June 22, 2010)
- Polish graduate students Krystyna Napierala and Jarek Palczynski from Poznan, Polen are visiting HPC-Lab June 21-23, 2010.
- Dr. Jose Luis Vázquez-Poletti is visiting HPC-Lab June 14-July 14, 2010 on an EEA Post Doc Grant under the NILS mobility project. Visit him in Dr. Jn Parhac's office, Room 462
- Dr. Elster organized MS on GPU Computing/EuroGPU 2010 at PARA 2010 in June. Included talks from tests on our Fermi cards NVIDIA Tesla c2050 and 470cards!
- HPC-Lab had a successful stand at ISC 2010 in Hamburg, June 1-2.
- Rune Erlend Jensen receives IME PhD stipend, accepted May 2010
- Holger Ludvigsen and Anne Elster gave short-paper "Real-Time Ray Tracing Using NVIDIA OptiX" at EuroGraphics in Norrköping, May 3-7, 2010.
- Dr. Ján Perhác joined HPC-Lab as ERCIM Post Doc in April 2010!
- Dr. John Ryan joined HPC-Lab as Post Doc in March 2010, left summer 2010 to pursue other opportunities
- HPC-lab Alumni Daniele Spampinato joined ETH Zürich's PhD program Feb 2010
- Three HPC-lab papers from ParCo 2009 to appear in Proceeding on IOS Press now available at: EuroGPU'09 papers
- Jørgen Haavind Jensen (MarinTech) and Runar Refsnæs (Applied Math) are visiting HPC-Lab spring 2010
- Elster, Meyer, Natvig and R. Jensen participated at the IME MultiPro/Embedded Selbu Workshop December 2009.
- HPC-Lab had a successful stand at SC'09!
- HPC-Lab graduate Rune E. Jensen receives 2008/2009 Norwegian Computing Center Master Thesis Awards.
- Elster gave two talks at EU COST meeting in Lisbon on ComplexHPC.
- NVIDIA HPC-Lab Mini Workshop, Oct 24, 2009 Program
- Dr. Elster gave invited GPU talk at PPAM 2009, in Poland, Sept.13-16, 2009. link to Abstract and PDF of slides.
- Dr. Elster co-organized GPU Minisymposium EuroGPU'09 at ParCo'09 in Lyon, France, Sept. 1-4, 2009. 12 talks + panel incl. Tim Lanfear (NVIDIA) and Rune Jensen (CERN). 3 talks by HPC-Lab members (Elster, Aksnes and Spampinato), plus mini-talk by Rune Jensen on his CERN work.
- Two HPC/Lab students received IBM Student Award 2009 -- Congratulations to Eirik Ola Aksnes and Daniele Spampinato
- 9 Masters students graduated from HPC lab in 2009. See above for current members including several new incomming master students -- including students from Mathematical Sciences and Applied Cybernetics!
- June 3, 2009: Zotac ION board donated by NVIDIA arrives.
- Two IDI students joined the CERN OpenLab program this summer on Dr. Elster's recommendation. Congratualtions to Rune Erlend Jensen and TDT 4200 student Martin Tverdal . News article in Norwegian: "Med kurs for webbens vugge" , Universitetsavisa, May 28, 2009
- HPC-Lab project student Åsmund Eldhuset gave this year's IME graduation speech.
- Dr. Elster gave invited HPC-Lab talk at NOTUR 2009 May 19, 2009
- Elster and HPC-Lab student presented 6 posters at NOTUR 2009 May 19, 2009
- Two papers from HPC-Lab accepted to MTAAS'09 at IPDPS'09
- HPC-Lab's Elster and Aksnes on IDI recruitment video
- Elster quoted in "GPU Computing is about massive data parallelism", InfoWorld, Jan 22, 2009.
- January 2009: NVIDIA donates more equipment to our lab including two Quadro FX 5800 and a Tesla s1070!
- Dr. Elster gave a presentation the NVIDIA event in London Dec 4.
- "Imponerte NVIDIA med snøsimulering" on, Thursday Dec 4, 2008. Article includes photo from our HPC-Lab booth at SC'08
- Robin Eidissen and Elster gave poster at SC'08: "Comparing Cg and CUDA Implementations of Selected Transform Algorithms"
- Eidissen and Elster interviewed by NVIDIA on YouTube at SC'08
HPC-LAB SC'08 Booth
- HPC-LAB had a nice booth at SC'08. The event drew a record 11 000+ attendees! 8 master students and 1 PhD student attended in addition to Dr. Elster, who was Co-Chair for Posters. NOTUR and the IO Center also had booths this year.
HPC-Lab at SC'08
Skeleton & Snow simulation at SC'08
Robin interviewed by NVIDIA at SC'08
Åsmund Eldhuset showing his Line finding algorithm
(project w/ Elster in colaborations with Schlumberger)Link to more SC'08 photos
- Oct. 28, 2008 Opening Program
- Link to opening photos on Flikr
- article re. opening
- Erik Axel Nielsen's MS Thesis work on using the GPU to speed up image processing (filtering) is making it into the next generation cardio ultrasound equipment from GE Healthcare.
Erik Axel Nielsen's Master thesis work with Elster on using GPUs for the Wavelet transform for processing cardiac ultrasound images sped these up by a factor of 40 making real-time processing possible. This work has already made it into GE Healthcare's high-end cardiac ultrasound scanner product. - Christian Larsen's GPU work
HPC Master student Christian Larsen gave - poster presentation at Stanford 50: State of the Art and Future Directions of Computational Mathematic s and Numerical Computing , March 29-31, Stanford, California, USA, and
- seminar talk at ECE, The Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA the following week
Øystein Borg at his poster at NOTUR 2006 in Bergen which received honourable mention
- NOTUR 2004 Compentency projects on GRID, Cluster and Storage Technologies
This project was a joint effort by NTNU, U of Bergen, U of Oslo, U of Tromsø and UNINETT. Statoil, Norwegian Meteorogical Institute ( and UNINETT will also be participating.
Elster helped raise NOK 1 million at NTNU for these projects, which made us the largest partner. These funds were mached by the Research Council of Norway (RCN) which also added in NOK 450K for expanded storage Harware that was installed at NTNUs HPC facility for the use of
Total 2004 budget at NTNU: NOK 2.45 millionThe projects ran through 2004. Several of her students were involved in the GRID and cluster subprojects. Elster also got some of her colleagues at IDI involved in the storage subproject.
- Link to NTNU's activities on this project
Part of NTNUs NOTUR ET-gang on March 25, 2004
Row1: Arne Sødal(ITEA), Jørn Amundsen, Tor Arvid Lund ,Morten Rodal, Per Holager
Row2: Lars Eilertsen(ITEA/stud), Martin Eian(ITEA/stud), Frode Nilsen, Peter Hughes, Arve Dispen(ITEA);
Row3: Anne Elster, Robin Holtet, Gunnar Brattås, Kjetil Nørvåg, Trond Kandal; Taking photo: Martin Grannæs - NOTUR Emerging Technologies: Cluster Technologies
Look at emerging cluster technologies for Norwegian HPC users.
Project leader. Budget 2003: NOK 1 millionOur stand at NOTUR 2003, Oslo