Home - HPC-Lab
NTNU HPC-Lab - Heterogenous & Parallel Computing Lab
HPC-Lab is part of the Dept. of Computer Science and NTNU and is also associated with the SFI (Center for Research-based Innovation) on Geophysical Forecasting (CGF) funded by the Research Council of Norway (RCN).
Current Research Foci:
- High Performance Computing (HPC) incl. Supercomputing. Cluster, GRID and Cloud computing
- Parallel scientific software environments including machine learning based auto-tuning and load balancing.
- Parallel algorithms and optimization for novel heterogeneous architectures and accelerators including GPUs.
See Research for more details.
Lenke til mulige masterprosjekter ved HPC-Lab
Jan. 2021: Zoom HPC-Lab meeting with visitors Anthony Chronopolous (colleague attending from Greece) and Jakob Jørgensen (PhD student visiting HPC-Lab this spring from U of Århus, Denmark), and hopefully soon to be HPC-Lab ERCIM PostDoc Ajeet PathaK (attending from India)
We have access several self- built workstations with high-end GPUs,
two IBM Power 9 nodes w/ V100 +++ -- see Hardware
UPCOMMING & RECENT EVENTS: -- also see https://www.ntnu.edu/idi/hpc-lab/events
- Prof. Elster is spending her 2023/24 academic year research leave at The Oden Institute, Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA
- Prof. Elster is serving on the SC23 Test-of-time & Sid Fernbach awards committess + SC23 BOF PC.
- Prof. Elster was an evaluator for Sweden´s Vinnova, Spring 2023
- Prof. Elster and Assoc. Prof. Jan Christian Meyer Co-Chaired IPDPS Workshop HCW2023 (May 2023, Florida, USA)
- Tørring and Elster got their paper accepted to IPDPS iWAPT2023
- Claudi Lleyda Moltó joined as a PhD student (SFI-CGF) Feb. 1, 2023
- Tobias Dyngeland joined as a PhD student (SFI-CGF) Jan. 12, 2023
- Dr. Bart Iver van Blokland joined as a Post Doc Jan. 1, 2023
- Tor A. Haugdahl joined as a PhD student (RSO) Dec. 2022
- Maren Wessel-Berg joined as a PhD student (SFI-CGF) Fall 2022
- Dr. Ajeet Pathak finally joined us as an ERCIM Post Doc in April 2022 (Covid-19 visa delays)
- Prof. Elster server as a IEEE Computer Society DVP speaker 2019-2022.
The Opening of HPC-Lab in Oct 2008 was featured in digi.no, one of Norway's most popular online IT-paper sites. https://www.digi.no/artikler/ntnu-vil-lage-de-kuleste-pc-ene/207850
- The HPC-Lab 10th Anniversary Workshop was held Sep 26, 2018, Rm H1, Main Bldg, NTNU-Gløshagen, Trondheim. See: https://www.ntnu.edu/idi/hpc-lab/10-yr-ws-2018
Some of us during Fredrik Kjøstad´s visit Fall 2019.
From left: Anders Treland, Ingvild Høgstøyl, Jacob O. Tørring, Øysetin R. Krogstie, Anne C. Elster, H. Flatland (guest), Fredril Kjøstad, Joakim Lier, Ole Aleksander Hole & Håvard Bjerke (front).
Fredrik is now an Assistant Professor at Stanford.
HPC-Lab - About
HPC-Lab was formally established in Oct. 2008 and consists of Prof. Elster´s graduate students and affiliated members. It sprung out from Prof. Elster´s research group formed when she joined NTNU in 2001.
Dr. Elster's research group has been involved with GPU computing since 2006, and Elster was the PI for the Nvidia GPU Research Center and NTNU and GPU Teaching Center at NTNU.