About us

About us

NTNU Energy Transition Initiative

NTNU Energy Transition provides world leading research on energy transition strategies to industry and government. Fact-based advice enables decision makers to gain competitive advantages and find efficient pathways to future energy systems.

Since the agreement on NTNU Energy Transition Initiative was signed in 2015, substantial effort has been put into establishing international collaboration with world leading experts. The initiative promotes collaboration between FME centres, international research projects, industry and policy. 

We have gradually grown by incorporating a network of world class experts and attracting significant funding for very important research topics, including:

  • Technological solutions and innovations
  • Energy system optimization and scenario studies
  • Economics and market design
  • Framework and policy analysis
  • Sustainable transition
  • Human behavior and choice
  • Innovation

Groups at NETI

The director of NTNU Energy Transition reports to the board and works closely with the management group on research related topics.

Asgeir Tomasgard
Director, NTNU Energy Transition

Anders Finstad
Professor, NTNU

Stein-Erik Fleten
Professor, NTNU
Arild Gustavsen. Photo.
Arild Gustavsen
Professor, Institute Leader, NTNU
Christian Klöckner. Photo.
Christian Klöckner
Professor, NTNU
Magnus Korpås. Photo.
Magnus Korpås
Professor, NTNU
Terese Løvås. Photo.
Terese Løvås

Anne Neumann
Professor, NTNU

Tomas M. Skjølsvold
Professor, NTNU
Anders Hammer Strømman. Photo.
Anders Hammer Strømman
Professor, NTNU
Ann Mari Svensson. Photo.
Ann Mari Svensson
Professor, NTNU
Roger Sørheim. Photo.
Roger Sørheim
Professor, NTNU

The board monitors NTNU Energy Transition's implementations and deliverables, assessing the compliance with the work plan and communication plan, along with revising and approving the plans themselves. The board also acts as a discussion partner for the director on strategic decisions.

Johan Einar Hustad. Photo.
Johan Einar Hustad
Director, NTNU Energy

Ane Torvanger Brunvoll, Photo.
Ane Torvanger Brunvoll
Section Chief Energy and Technology, NVE
Marie Bysveen. Photo.
Marie Bysveen
Chief Market Developer, Sintef Energy
Sverre Gotaas. Photo.
Sverre Gotaas
CEO, Herøya Industripark

Ragnhild Ulvik
SVP Future Business, Statkraft

Mari Grooss Viddal
Senior Advisor, Statkraft
Pål Kristian Moen. Photo.
Pål Kristian Moen
Analyst, Statkraft

Jan Fredrik Stadaas
Chief Advisor, Equinor
Tor Ulleberg. Photo.
Tor Ulleberg
Chief Advisor, Equinor


Dr. Steven A. Gabriel. Photo.
Steven A. Gabriel
Professor, University of Maryland, NTNU

Dr. Franziska Holz. Photo.
Franziska Holz
Professor, DIW Berlin, NTNU
Volker Krey. Photo.
Volker Krey
Professor, IIASA, NTNU
Reinhard Madlener. Photo.
Reinhard Madlener
Professor, RWTH Aachen University, NTNU

Hans Auer
Associate Professor, TU Wien

María Amparo Alonso Betanzos
Professor, Universidade da Coruña, NTNU

Anna Wieczorek
Associate Professor, TU/e, NTNU

In addition to the board and management team, NTNU Energy Transition collaborates with an international advisory board consisting of the following researchers:

James Edmonds. Photo.
James Edmonds
Professor, JGCRI

Frank O´Sullivan. Photo.
Frank O´Sullivan
Director of Research and Analysis, MIT
Carolyn Fischer. Photo.
Carolyn Fischer
Professor, Resources for the Future
Richard Green. Photo.
Richard Green
Professor, Imperial College
Christian von Hirschhausen. Photo.
Christian von Hirschhausen
Professor, TU Berlin
Steven Gabriel. Photo.
Steven Gabriel
Professor, University of Maryland, NTNU
Dr. Franziska Holz. Photo.
Franziska Holz
Professor, DIW Berlin, NTNU
Volker Krey. Photo.
Volker Krey
Professor, IIASA, NTNU
Mark O´Malley. Photo.
Mark O´Malley
Professor, Imperial College London
Reinhard Madlener. Photo.
Reinhard Madlener
Professor, RWTH Aachen, NTNU

Henrik Madsen
Professor, DTU, NTNU
Sergey Paltsev. Photo.
Sergey Paltsev
Senior Research Scientist, MIT
Michael Pollit. Photo.
Michael Pollit
Professor, Cambridge University

Hans Auer
Associate Professor, TU Wien

María Amparo Alonso Betanzos
Professor, Universidade da Coruña, NTNU

Anna Wieczorek
Associate Professor, TU/e, NTNU



Since startup:


In the next couple of years:

  • Increase visibility and branding of Energy Transition Initiative
  • Develop a stronger partnership with key research institutes and corporations
  • Deliver policy briefs on key topics and provide them to policymakers and decision makers in Norway and EU
  • Develop a strong research and teaching team and gradually expand the Energy Transition research portfolio toward a +70 MNOK/year portfolio
  • Establish incubator/seed fund to bring forward innovations in the energy transition space

International network

International network