Energy Transition Conference
NTNU Energy Transition Conference 2025
2 April, Scandic Lerkendal, Trondheim
Gain strategic insight into the world of global energy - markets, geopolitics, research, upcoming industry transformations, and current trends, as we continue our transition away from carbon-intensive energy systems.
Welcome to the NTNU Energy Transition Conference 2025 in Trondheim April 2nd.
Meet a Scientist
This year, we are hosting Meet a Scientist. Before the conference starts, industry participants are invited to have a chat with the research teams from NTNU Energy on a topic of their choice. These conversations start 8:30 AM.
09:30 Opening (Rector, Tor Grande and NTNU Energy Director, Asgeir Tomasgard)
Tor Grande,
Asgeir Tomasgard ,
09:40: Session I: Global Stocktake and the Urgent Need for Policy
This session addresses the gap between current policy and the actions that are required to mitigate climate change, keep global warning under the 2 degree and pursuing the 1.5 degree target. This requires a global effort, and this session frames the discussion we will have during the day by first addressing the state of knowledge from a scientific perspective.
10:30 Break (30 minutes)
11:00 Session I: Plenary Discussion with Expert Panel
Joyeeta Gupta ,
University of Amsterdam
Meron Tesfamichael ,
WRI Africa Energy Program
Gina Gylver ,

Jae Edmonds,
Chief Scientist and Battelle Fellow,
Joint Global Change Research Institute, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
This is a dialogue session exploring the impact of geopolitical shifts on the energy transition. Successful climate mitigation will require global cooperation and participation. The Draghi report points to the need to increase European competitiveness towards the US and China, and at the same time we see increased geopolitical tension. How will deglobalization and emerging trade wars potentially affect priorities for the scaling up of transition solutions and hamper their progress? Does energy security and accelerated decarbonization go hand in hand or are these conflicting objectives?
Fatih Birol,
Executive Director,
International Energy Agency (IEA)
12:00 Lunch
The energy transition also depends on secure energy value chains, not only within the energy sector itself but also in other key areas of the economy such as transport, buildings, and industry. Recognizing the interconnected nature of energy value chains, this session will expand beyond energy production to address critical factors that ensure a resilient and sustainable system. The availability of raw materials and the role of a circular economy are essential. As the share of renewables increases and volatility affects multiple sectors, energy efficiency and demand-side flexibility become central to maintaining stability. Discussions will also explore overarching themes for long-term energy security, including the development of robust infrastructures that support a secure and adaptive energy system.
Hans Auer ,
Head of the Energy Economics Group (EEG), TU Wien
Magnus Korpås ,
Department of Electric Power Engineering, NTNU
Ingeborg Øfsthus ,
Executive Vice President,
Hege Skryseth ,
CTO and EVP Business Area Technology, Digital & Innovation,
Access to capital is crucial for accelerating the energy transition. A key challenge will be to use public funding to unlock private capital. An important part of that is how to reduce uncertainty for example by structured approaches to reduce risk, risk sharing and other de-risking strategies. The goal of the session is to outline practical steps and financing mechanisms for building an investment-friendly environment that supports climate goals and sustainable growth, while retaining global competitiveness.
Inger-Johanne Arildsen Rygh,
Director for Governmental and Public Affairs EU,
Christopher Weber,
Head of Climate and Sustainability Research,
BlackRock Investment Institute (BII)
15:00 Break
Join us as ten cross‑disciplinary student teams—selected from nearly 300 participants in NTNU’s EiT Mission Net Zero course—present their innovative energy‑transition solutions to a distinguished panel of judges from industry, NVE, the Norwegian Ministry of Energy, and NTNU. All exhibition teams will receive a diploma in recognition of their contribution to advancing net‑zero goals. The winning team will be honoured on stage by a representative from the Norwegian Ministry of Energy.
This session showcases a diverse range of potential solutions for the energy transition, encompassing technological innovations, market mechanisms, human capital development, and behavioral change. We relate these solutions to energy transition pathways where we first outline the type of solutions needed, at what time they can be introduced and how they need to scale. Speakers are invited to outline both what barriers may obstruct this scaling of the solutions and how to overcome these barriers in the interaction between humans, technologies, nature and markets.
Volker Krey,
Research Group Leader IACC, Energy, Climate and Environment Program, IIASA
Torjus Bolkesjø ,
Chief Analyst and Head of Global Energy Market Analysis,
Alexandra Bech Gjørv ,
Martin S. Lundby ,
Hafslund Celsio
Rolee Aranya ,
Urban Planning at the Faculty of Architecture and Design, NTNU
Vice President, New Nuclear, Fortum

Christopher Weber,
Head of Climate and Sustainability Research,
BlackRock Investment Institute (BII)

Jae Edmonds,
Chief Scientist and Battelle Fellow,
Joint Global Change Research Institute, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

Youba Sokona,
Chair of the interim Board, African Institute for Sustainable Energy and System Analysis
Expert panel:
Professor in Social Psychology and Quantitative Methods,
Department of Psychology, NTNU
Chief Scientist and Battelle Fellow,
Joint Global Change Research Institute, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Professor and Deputy Head, Energy, Transportation, Environment Department,
German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin)
Professor, Department of Computer Science,
University of A Coruña (UDC), Spain
Full professor Sustainable Innovation and Transitions TU/e
Adjunct professor NTNU
Professor of Energy Economics & Management;
Director, Institute for Future Energy Consumer Needs and Behavior (FCN), RWTH Aachen University
Deputy Program Director, Energy, Climate, and Environment (ECE);
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Direktør NTNU Samfunnssikkerhet
Department of Information Security and Communication Technology
Professor of Power Systems at Imperial College London
Professor, Director of Research NTNU Energy Transition Initiative
Youba Sokona,
Chair of the interim Board, African Institute for Sustainable Energy and System Analysis
The NTNU Energy Transition Conference is an annual meeting arena for industry, policymakers, academia, and NGOs. The objective is to share the latest knowledge on the transition to sustainable energy systems, share views and translate ambitions to actions that will accelerate our pathway to a zero emission society.
The event is part of the NTNU Energy Transition Week, which also includes the dedicated workshops and other networking events.
The conference is free and open to everyone.
We offer discounted rates at three excellent Scandic hotels during the conference week: Scandic Bakklandet, Scandic Nidelven, and Scandic Lerkendal.
By using the promo codes below, you’ll gain access to reduced prices across all room categories (subject to availability):
Book early to secure your preferred room and enjoy a comfortable stay at a great price!
Programme Committee 2025:
- Asgeir Tomasgard, NTNU
- Heidi Fossland, NTNU
- Astrid Sørensen, NTNU
- Anne Neumann, NTNU
- Massimo Busuoli, NTNU
- Anders Hammer Strømman, NTNU
- Terese Løvås, NTNU
- Vivek Sinha, NTNU
- Julius Paul Wesche, NTNU
- Fridtjof Unander, Aker Horizons
- Rønnaug Sægrov Mysterud, Hydro
- Steffen Kallbekken, CICERO
- Tone Knudsen, Statkraft
- Mari Grooss Viddal, Statkraft
- Nils Røkke, SINTEF
- Anne Steenstrup-Duch, SINTEF
- Kristian Ebbesen, Equinor