NTNU’s continuing education programs in the energy field - NTNU Energy
- Team battery
- Team wind
- Team hydrogen
- Team CCS
- Team solar
- Team society
- Team low and middle income countries
- Team hydropower
- Team smartgrid
- Team nuclear
- Team bio energy
- Team cities
- Team geo energy
- Energy studies
- Continuing education programs in the energy field
- Announcements
- Biodiversity
- About NTNU Energy
- Contact NTNU Energy
NTNU’s continuing education programs within energy
NTNU’s continuing education programs within energy
NTNU offers continuing education and part-time studies through its unit NTNU Videre. Most of our continuing education courses in the energy field are taught in Norwegian. Visit our Norwegian webpage to see NTNU's continuing education courses in the energy field taught in Norwegian.
Some programs are offered in English:
- Operating ships on LNG (course)
- Product and Systms Engineering (master's degree with specialisation option in sustainable energy systems)
Visit NTNU Videre’s website for a complete overview of NTNU's current continuing education offer in English.