Picture Energy

green grass, solar panel and windmills

NTNU Energy

NTNU Energy

Energy for a better world

Strategic research area 2024–2031

NTNU's energy research leads the way in Europe. NTNU Energy represents NTNU's energy research and the university's 600 researchers in the energy field. The strategic research area will build knowledge that helps to ensure access to climate-friendly, nature-friendly and fair energy for everyone.


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Focus areas

Focus areas

Enabling the transition towards 200 EJ of renewables globally by 2050 in a manner that preserves biodiversity and is accepted and well governed by society.

To drastically reduce and transform the energy and power demand in buildings, industry, and transport, through sufficiency in energy services and development and deployment of energy efficient solutions.

Developing zero-carbon energy systems that are flexible and adaptable, to facilitate the integration of renewable and low-carbon energy sources while ensuring a high security of supply and resilience against extreme events.

Understanding and mitigating the social, institutional, economic, and technological challenges to moving beyond the fossil fuel era while advancing a just and legitimate re-orientation of Norwegian fossil fuel industries.

Innovative solutions for renewable and enabling technologies, and knowledge building on the innovation processes, including scalability and manufacturing perspectives. How to build capacities (people, ideas, knowledge) for the industries that provides the key elements of sustainable energy systems?

Enabling the Energy transition in low- and middle-income countries.

Enable a large-scale engagement in the energy transition, eventually including all end-users, and largely distributed renewable energy production. Ensure fairness, accountability, safety, scalability and transparency in AI for managing the energy system.



 NTNU hosts these Norwegian Centres for Environmentfriendly Energy Research (FMES)



– NTNU is a partner in these Norwegian Centres for Environmentfriendly Energy Research (FMES)