Picture Energy

green grass, solar panel and windmills

NTNU Energy

NTNU Energy

Energy for a better world

Strategic research area 2024–2031

NTNU's energy research leads the way in Europe. NTNU Energy represents NTNU's energy research and the university's 600 researchers in the energy field. The strategic research area will build knowledge that helps to ensure access to climate-friendly, nature-friendly and fair energy for everyone.

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NTNU Energy's interdisciplinary research teams cover whole value chains

Focus areas

Focus areas

To enable the transition to 55,000 TWh of renewable energy globally by 2050 in a way that safeguards biodiversity and is socially accepted and socially governed. 

How to achieve a drastic reduction and transformation of energy and power demand in buildings, industry and transportation through energy sufficiency in energy services and the development and implementation of energy efficient solutions. 

To develop zero-emission energy systems that are flexible and adaptable, to facilitate the integration of renewable and low-emission energy sources while maintaining high security of supply and resilience to extreme events. 

How to better understand and address the social, institutional, economic and technological challenges of the transition from the fossil fuel era, while promoting a fair and legitimate transition of the Norwegian fossil fuel industry. 

How to build capacities (people, ideas, knowledge) for industries that deliver the key elements of sustainable energy systems? 

To help accelerate the energy transition in low- and middle-income countries. 



– NTNU is a partner in these Norwegian Centres for Environmentfriendly Energy Research (FMES)