Session 3-B: The roles of hydrogen and CCS in the short and long term
by FMEs HyValue, Hydrogeni and NCCS
The COP28 outcome made it clearer than ever that we must transition away from fossil fuels in a just and equitable manner, describing the need ‘to work together to achieve deep, rapid and sustained reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in line with 1.5˚ C pathways’.
The urgency to reduce global emissions to net-zero by 2050 requires a rapid acceleration in the deployment of all emissions reducing technologies. Credible analyses of pathways to achieve net-zero emissions agree that the lowest cost and risk approach is to embrace a broad portfolio of technologies approach, including the mobilisation of CCS and hydrogen technologies at scale to complement other sustainable solutions.
FMEs Hydrogeni, Hyvalue and NCCS have an essential role to play in realising the potential of CCS and Hydrogen to achieve our net-zero goals.
15:00 Introduction and setting the scene (Nils Røkke, EVP Sustainability, SINTEF)
15:10 What is needed to achieve CCS at gigatonne scale?
- Gunhild Reigstad (Senior Researcher, SINTEF)
- Frank Wettland (Project Manager, New Venture CCS, Altera Infrastructure AS)
- Philip Ringrose (Professor in Energy Transition Geoscience, NTNU)
15:35 Developing a robust hydrogen market at scale.
- Fionn Iversen (NORCE)
- Ingo Machenbach (Head Advisor, New Energy Solutions - Hydrogen, Statkraft)
- Per Ove Eikeland (Senior Research Fellow, The Fridtjof Nansen Institute)
16:00 Closing discussion: Mobilising R&D and industry for realizing the potential of CCS and hydrogen.
Moderated by Nils Røkke (VP Sustainability, SINTEF and Centre Director, HYDROGENi
- Rune Volla (Director, Research Council of Norway)
- Hege Rognø (Sr. Advisor New Energy, Equinor)
- Guro Angell Gimse (Region Director, NHO Trøndelag
- TBD (Ministry of Energy)
16:25 Closing remarks
16:30 END of session
Welcome and kind regards,
Fionn Iversen (HyValue), Stefania Gardarsdottir (Hydrogeni) and Nicola Marsh (NCCS)
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