Session 1-B: Energy efficiency first!
by FMEs ZEN and HighEFF
It is common sense to use energy wisely before generating new. Therefore, the EU has energy efficiency first as a guiding principle in their policy developments and investment decisions. Energy efficiency is a conflict free measure that will free energy to be used for other purposes, as well as bring further value creation to the industrial actors and the society.
Chair: Stein Mortensholm, SINTEF
10:30 Introduction and setting the scene by Ann Kristin Kvellheim and Petter Røkke
10:40 ‘What have we, the industry, achieved and what is the remaining potential?
- Skanska – Tor Helge Dokka
- Hydro – Anders Westin
11:00 ‘Barriers for realizing the potential – how to get things done’
- NTNU Samfunnsforskning – Lucia Liste
- NTNU – Inger Andresen
11:20 Policy perspective and discussion
- Maren Aschehoug Esmark, section head at Norwegian Energy Regulation Authority (NVE)
- Tone Tellevik Dahl, CEO Norsk Eiendom
- Astrid Lilliestråle, Director of Technology and Market Development Enova SF
- Hans Petter Rebo, Director Electro and Energy at Norsk Industri
- Ann Kristin Kvellheim, head of ZEN
- Petter Røkke, head of HighEff
11:45 Questions from the audience
11:55 Conclusion by the chair
12:00 END of session
Welcome and kind regards,
Ann Kristin Kvellheim (ZEN) and Petter Røkke (HighEFF)
For more info about the FMEs in this session – take a closer look behind the links below:
- ZEN - – Research Centre on zero emission neighbourhoods in smart cities. ZEN will enable the transition to a low carbon society by developing sustainable neighbourhoods with zero greenhouse gas emissions.
- HighEff - - Center for creating a competitive, energy efficient and environmentally friendly industry for the future. HighEFF focuses on technologies and processes with potential for large reduction in specific energy use.
organized by:
- FME ZEN - Research Centre on zero emission neighbourhoods in smart cities. ZEN will enable the transition to a low carbon society by developing sustainable neighbourhoods with zero greenhouse gas emissions.
- FME HighEff - Center for creating a competitive, energy efficient and environmentally friendly industry for the future. HighEFF focuses on technologies and processes with potential for large reduction in specific energy use.