FME Stream A

fme 1a

Session 1-A: Scaling up renewable electricity production

by FMEs HydroCen, SuSolTech and Northwind

With the Norwegian Energy Commission’s statement “More of everything – faster” in mind, we would like to invite you to join us in this session where we look into the needs for upscaling of renewable electricity production. We have invited key stakeholders to share their views on the real needs, and we will contribute to the discussion by sharing news on enabling technologies and the potential we see for upscaling. 


Moderator: Daniel Albert, SINTEF

10:30   Introducing the centers - HydroCen, SuSolTech, Northwind; common ground and different challenges

  • Liv Randi Hultgreen, Torunn Kjeldstad & John Olav Tande

10:40   Needs for upscaling of renewable electricity production; 

  • Statkraft – Ivar Arne Børset, SVP Development, Nordics
  • Statnett - Nenad Keseric, SVP RnD and Innovation
  • NHO - Per Øyvind Langeland

11:10   Enabling technologies and potential;

  • Potential for hydropower upgrades and development – Leif Lia, HydroCen
  • Turning wind R&D into sustainable industry  – John Olav Tande, Northwind
  • Enabling solar power technologies and potential – Marisa Di Sabatino, SuSolTech

11:40   Panel discussion on needs, barriers and opportunities; moderated by Daniel Albert, SINTEF

  • Ivar Aune Børset, Statkraft
  • Nenad Keseric, Statnett
  • Per Øyvind Langeland, NHO
  • Liv Randi Hultgreen, HydroCen
  • Torunn Kjeldstad, SoSulTech
  • John Olav Tande, NorthWind

11:55   Conclusion by the moderator

12:00   END of session 

Welcome and kind regards,
Liv Randi Hultgreen (HydroCen), Torunn Kjeldstad (SuSolTech) and John Olav Tande (NorthWind)

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organized by:

  • HydroCen - The main objective of HydroCen is to enable the Norwegian hydropower sector to meet complex challenges and exploit new opportunities through innovative technological solutions.
  • SuSolTech - The Research Center for Sustainable Solar Cell Technology
  • NorthWind - Norwegian Research Centre on Wind Energy - Turning wind R&D into a sustainable industry.