Energy Transition Conference 2021
NTNU Energy Transition Conference 2024
A few key presenter will take stock of the policy landscape. Reporting on the current situation and how to get back on track.
Marianne Sivertsen Næss,
Member of Parliament, Chair,
The Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment
On the journey towards a sustainable energy transition, a pivotal aspect is the upscaling of green technologies and solutions. The development needs ramping up if we are to meet our goals. This raises questions, like:
- How can we effectively balance environmental preservation and cultural practices with the pressing need for faster implementation of renewable generation?
- What political incentives and new regulations must be implemented to catalyze faster change?
- How can and should education and workforce development help us deliver the competence needed at the right time?
- How does international competition and geopolitics affect investments
This session will focus on the need for action to reach the targets of the Paris-agreement, and the need to recognize global differences and the challenges of emerging economies.
In this session we will shed light on the role of circular value chains in the energy transition. Sustainable solutions rely on robust supply chains beyond the scope of the energy sector alone. Manufacturers grapple with the challenges of meeting escalating demand, increased deglobalization and geopolitical tension while also navigating the complexities of the energy transition themselves, like reducing emissions and strict technological and environmental regulations. This raises critical questions, like:
- How can we safeguard the resilience of vital components within a circular economy when the materials required by emerging green technologies and the surrounding regulations, remains uncertain?
- How does deglobalization affect the circular value chains?
- And how does this again influence the transition of transport and industry?
Jana Krägenbring-Noor,
Head of Environmental Sustainability,
Mercedes-Benz AG
The energy transition and the required speed with which it needs to happen inevitably leads to conflicts between decarbonizing the energy system and other important domains such as biodiversity, cultural traditions, and human needs. In this session, we will outline these challenges by looking at examples and explore ways to balance these legitimate needs and perspectives.
- How can we equip our democracies with the tools to be able to both make fast decisions, succeed with the sustainable transition, and engage citizens and stakeholders in a fair and balanced way?
- How can we progress from resistance to not just acceptance but engagement in the transition?
- How can we monitor the progress of this transition beyond looking at GDP and CO2 emissions, for example by assessing well-being effects, natural and cultural wealth?
Morten Halleraker,
SVP New Business & Investments,
Swetha Ravi Kumar,
Executive Director,
FSR Global

Anna Wieczorek,
Professor, Chair of sustainable innovation and transitions,
Eindhoven University of Technology the Netherlands
Marianne Sivertsen Næss,
Member of Parliament, Chair,
The Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment
Morten Halleraker,
SVP New Business & Investments,
Swetha Ravi Kumar,
Executive Director,
FSR Global
Jana Krägenbring-Noor,
Head of Environmental Sustainability,
Mercedes-Benz AG

Anna Wieczorek,
Professor, Chair of sustainable innovation and transitions,
Eindhoven University of Technology the Netherlands
Program for the week
08:30 |
Workshop: Social conflicts and tensions in the transition Organizers: Tomas Moe Skjølsvold, Christian Klöckner, Reinhard Madlener, Anna Wieczorek, Astrid Sørensen |
13:00 |
Workshop: Exploring a sustainable society and the concept of growth Organizers: Marius Korsnes, Even Bjørnstad, Jae Edmonds, , Marianne Ryghaug, Anna Wieczorek, Astrid Sørensen |
09:00 |
Workshop: AI and the Energy Transition Organizers: Amparo Alonso Betanzos, Reinhard Madlener, Mark O’Malley, Henrik Madsen, Astrid Sørensen |
16:00 |
Network Meeting for Young Energy Professionals: Green Energy Shifters Organizers: Dr. Julius Wesche (NTNU) |
09:00 |
NTNU Energy Transition Conference 2024 Building Momentum for Sustainable Solutions |
09:00 |
Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME) Conference The FMEs as enablers in mitigating climate and energy challenges Organizers: INCLUDE, NTRANS, HighEFF, ZEN, Bio4Fuels, HydroCEN, Hydrogeni, Hyvalue, SuSolTech, CINELDI, MoZEES, NorthWind, NCCS |
12:15 |
Workshop: European Climate and Energy Modelling Forums Organizers: Pedro Crespo del Granado, Will Usher, Raquel Santos Jorge, Sebastian Zwickl-Bernhard, Konstantin Loffler, Asgeir Tomasgard |
08:30 |
Workshop: Pathways to Sustainable Development: Scenarios for Energy Transition Acceleration Organizers: Asgeir Tomasgard, Jae Edmonds, Christian von Hirschhausen, Witold- Roger Poganietz and Pedro Crespo del Grandao |
09:00 |
Workshop: Power Markets Organizers: Hans Auer, Anne Neumann, Mette Bjørndal, Magnus Korpås, Henrik Madsen, Asgeir Tomasgard |
09:00 |
Organizers: Vivek Sinha, Roger Sørheim |
08:30 |
Workshop: The Role of Natural Gas in The Energy Transition Organizers: Franziska Holz, Asgeir Tomasgard, Pedro C. del Granado, Jae Edmonds, Steven Gabriel, Sergey Paltsev |
13:00 |
Workshop: Creating hydrogen and e-fuel markets Organizers: Franziska Holz, Asgeir Tomasgard, (Anne Neumann), Pedro C. del Granado, Jae Edmonds |
09:00 |
Workshop: Gigaton CCS Organizers: Astrid Sørensen, Asgeir Tomasgard, Nicola Marsh, Jay Fuhrman, Sergey Paltsev |
12:30 |
Workshop: CDR & Negative Emission Markets Organizers: Astrid Sørensen, Asgeir Tomasgard, Nicola Marsh, Jay Fuhrman, Steven Gabriel |
Programme Committee 2024:
- Asgeir Tomasgard, NTNU
- Anders Hammer Strømman, NTNU
- Anne Neumann, NTNU
- Anne Steenstrup-Duch, SINTEF
- Astrid Sørensen, Equinor
- Even Bjørnstad, Enova
- Julius Wesche, NTNU
- Mari Grooss Viddal, Statkraft
- Marie Bysveen, SINTEF
- Massimo Busuoli, NTNU Brussels
- Matilde Brox Bordal, NTNU
- Morten A. Biering, NTNU
- Sanjanaa Achar, Equinor
- Terese Løvås, NTNU
- Tone Knudsen, Statkraft
- Vivek Sinha, NTNU
- William Christensen, OED