Energy Transition Conference 2017
Energy Transition Conference 2017
Strategies for a sustainable energy future
7 March at Clarion Hotel & Congress in Trondheim
- Climate and energy scenarios towards 2050
- Transition strategies towards a zero-emissions energy system
- The role of fossil fuels and natural gas in 2030 and 2050
- Funding the energy transition
- The transport transition - Electrification and new concepts
- Implications of Paris - How will NDCs affect the energy sector and industry?
Conference 2017
- Terje Søviknes, Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Norway: "Norwegian perspectives on the energy transition"
- Volker Krey, Deputy Director, IIASA: "Climate and energy scenarios towards 2050"
- Tom van Ierland, Head of Unit Strategy and Economic Assessment, DG Climate Action, European Commission: "Transition strategies towards a zero emissions energy system"
- Teresa Ponce de Leão, Vice-chair, European Energy Research Alliance/President of EuroGeoSurveys/President of LNEG: "Energy Transition: Is there a consolidated vision?"
- Charles Soothill, Vice-chair, Zero Emissions Platform: "Delivering the Paris Agreement?"
- Egil Matsen, Deputy Governor Norges Bank: "Responsible Investment – Government Pension Fund Global"
- John Cooper, Director General of Fuels Europe and CONCAWE: "The transport transition –Electrification & new transport concepts"
- Jae Edmonds, Chief Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: "Implications of Paris - Results of the 6 March 2017 Trondheim Workshop"
- Lars Andreas Lunde, State Secretary, Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment: "Implications of Paris on Low Carbon Transition"
- Anders Hammer Strømman, Professor, NTNU: "Mitigation in the transport sector"
9:00 - 9:15 Welcome
Gunnar Bovim, Rector, NTNU and Margareth Øvrum, Executive Vice President, Statoil
9:15 - 9:35 Norwegian perspectives on the energy transition
Keynote: Terje Søviknes, Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Norway
9:35 - 10:05 Climate and energy scenarios towards 2050
Keynote: Volker Krey, Deputy Director, IIASA
Dialogue with moderator and expert group
10:05 - 11:05 Transition strategies towards a zero-emissions energy system
Keynote: Tom van Ierland, Head of Unit Strategy and Economic Assessment, DG Climate Action, European Commission
Energy Transition - Is there a consolidated vision?
Keynote: Teresa Ponce de Leão, Vice-chair, European Energy Research Alliance/President of EuroGeoSurveys/President of LNEG
Dialogue with moderator and expert group
11.35 - 12.30 Panel discussion: The Energy Transition
- Terje Søviknes, Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Norway
- Tom van Ierland, Head of Unit Strategy and Economic Assessment, DG Climate Action, European Commission
- Teresa Ponce de Leão, Vice-chair, European Energy Research Alliance/President of EuroGeoSurveys/President of LNEG
- Margareth Øvrum, Executive Vice President, Statoil
- Jürgen Tzschoppe, Executive Vice President, Statkraft
Interaction with expert group
13:30 - 14:45 The role of fossil fuels and natural gas in 2030 and 2050
Keynote: Charles Soothill, Vice-chair, Zero Emissions Platform.
Panel discussion:
- Prof. Christian von Hirschhausen TU Berlin & DIW Berlin
- Prof. Johan Hustad, Director, Energy Strategic Area, NTNU
- Eirik Wærness, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, Statoil
- Charles Soothill, Vice-chair, Zero Emissions Platform
- Nils Røkke, Executive Vice President, Sustainability, SINTEF
Comments from expert group
15:00 - 16:00 Financial aspects of the energy transition
Keynote: Egil Matsen, Deputy Governor Norges Bank.
Panel discussion:
- Carsten Jung, Lead, climate risk analysis, Bank of England
- Egil Matsen, Deputy Governor, Norges Bank
- Christopher Weber, Senior Analyst, 2° Investing Initiative
- Jennifer Layke, Global Director, Energy Program, World Resources Institute
- Prof. Ragnar Torvik, NTNU
16:00 - 16:50 The transport transition - Electrification and new transport concepts
Keynote: John Cooper, Director General of Fuels Europe and CONCAWE
Mitigation in the transport sector
Keynote: Prof Anders Hammer Strømman, NTNU
Dialogue with moderator and comments from expert group
17:20 - 18:40 Implications of Paris - How will NDCs affect the energy sector and industry?
Keynote: Jae Edmonds, Chief Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: Summary of results from Implications of Paris workshop held in Trondheim 6 March 2017.
Implications of Paris on Low Carbon Transition
Keynote: Lars Andreas Lunde, State Secretary, Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment
Panel discussion with:
- State Secretary Lars Andreas Lunde
- Jae Edmonds, Joint Global Change Research Institute
- Prof. Rosina Bierbaum, University of Maryland and University of Michigan
- Charlotte Wolff-Bye, Vice President Sustainability, Statoil
Comments from expert group
19:00 Reception
- Jae Edmonds, Chief Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Carolyn Fischer, Senior fellow, Resources for the future
- Prof. Steven Gabriel, University of Maryland
- Rolf Golombek Frisch Centre, Director FME CREE.
- Prof. Christian von Hirschhausen, TU Berlin, Director DIW Berlin.
- Prof. Johan Hustad , Director Strategic area of Energy, NTNU
- Volker Krey, Deputy director, IIASA
- Snorre Kverndokk, Senior Scientist, Frisch Centre
- Prof. Reinhard Madlener, RWTH Aachen, Director Institute for Future Energy Consumer Needs and Behavior (FCN)
- Prof. Mark O´ Malley, Director, UCD
- Prof. Anders Hammer Strømman, NTNU
- Frank O´Sullivan, Director, MIT
- Ghassem Asrar, Director, Joint Global Change Research Institute, PNNL
- Allen Fawcett, Chief, Climate Economics Branch, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USA
- Atsushi Kurosawa, Director, Global Environment Programs, The Institute of Applied Energy
- Meredydd Evans, Scientist, Joint Global Change Research Institute, PNNL
- Prof. Rosina Bierbaum, University of Maryland and University of Michigan
- Prof. Magnus Korpås, NTNU
- Terje Søviknes, Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Norway
- Tom van Ierland, Head of Unit Strategy and Economic Assessment, DG Climate Action, European Commission
- Teresa Ponce de Leão, Vice-chair, European Energy Research Alliance/President of EuroGeoSurveys/President of LNEG
- Margareth Øvrum, Executive Vice President, Statoil
- Prof. Christian von Hirschhausen TU Berlin & DIW Berlin
- Prof. Johan Hustad, Director, Energy Strategic Area, NTNU
- Eirik Wærness, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, Statoil
- Charles Soothill, Vice-chair, Zero Emissions Platform
- Nils Røkke, Executive Vice President, Sustainability, SINTEF
- Carsten Jung, Lead, climate risk analysis, Bank of England
- Egil Matsen, Deputy Governor, Norges Bank
- Christopher Weber, Senior Analyst, 2° Investing Initiative
- Jennifer Layke, Global Director, Energy Program, World Resources Institute
- Prof. Ragnar Torvik, NTNU
- State Secretary Lars Andreas Lunde
- Jae Edmonds, Joint Global Change Research Institute
- Prof. Rosina Bierbaum, University of Maryland and University of Michigan
- Charlotte Wolff-Bye, Vice President Sustainability, Statoil
- Jürgen Tzschoppe, Executive Vice President, Statkraft
- Prof. Asgeir Tomasgard, NTNU, Director FME CenSES. (Chair)
- Prof. Olav Bjarte Fosso, NTNU
- Prof. Johan Hustad , Director Strategic area of Energy, NTNU.
- Per Ivar Karstad, Project Leader, Statoil
- Stein Mortensholm, Senior advisor, NTNU
- Dag Schanke, Chief Scientist, Statoil
- Prof. Ragnar Torvik, NTNU
- Tor Ulleberg, Chief of Innovation, Statoil
Workshops 2017
Volker Krey: Climate change mitigation in the context of broader sustainable development objectives
Tomas Moe Skjølsvold: Socio-technical energy transitions and the role of (user) practices
Christian Klöckner: Human dimensions in energy transitions – some examples
Volker Krey: The 1.5 degree target – the effect of demand side measures
Magnus Korpås: Market aspects and utility for different roles
Christian Skar: Demand response-effects on the power system
Matthias Hofmann: How does consumer centric systems affect the power industry in Norway and Europe?
Mark O’Malley: Integration of natural gas, heat, electricity – Mix of Physics, regulation and policy
Franziska Holz: Global natural gas markets between climate policy and the renaissance of gas
Steven Gabriel: The effects of shale gas
Kjetil Midthun: Natural gas as a flexibility provider
Lars Nord: What are the technological capabilities?
Steinar Eikaas: Natural gas and hydrogen: Statoil’s perspective