3-A: Turn maritime industry and shipping green

3-A: Turn maritime industry and shipping green

By FME MarTrans 

This session will explore technologies and practices aimed at minimizing the maritime industry’s environmental impact. The development involves solutions for energy-efficient ship designs and operations, green power system technologies and carbon-neutral fuels. We will assess the current state of technologies and the green transition of the maritime industry, and from there look into the challenges and research gaps that lie ahead for the new FME MarTrans to address.

Organizing committee: Trond A. Vikan Johnsen (SINTEF Ocean) and Øystein Ulleberg (IFE)



Moderator: Már Másson Maack, SINTEF Energy

15:30 Welcome and setting the scene by moderator
Introduction to FME Maritime Energy Transition (MarTrans) – Trond Johnsen, Centre Director, SINTEF Ocean
15:45 The Ocean Technology Centre and its role in MarTrans - Prof. Stein Ove Erikstad, NTNU
15:55 Energy-efficiency and electrification - Mariell Ulla Toven, CBDO, Moen Marin
16:05 Ammonia-driven offshore vessel - Oddbjørn Øygard, Equinor 
16:15 Q&A / Discussions
16:30 End of session


Welcome and kind regards,

Trond A. V. Johnsen (Head of FME MarTrans)

notis 3a


organized by:

FME MarTrans: Reducing energy consumption and replacing fossil with renewable fuels within the maritime sector is a large and global challenge. The new Norway-based research center FME MarTrans aims to find sustainable solutions for the maritime energy transition.