2-B Energy security - distribution
2-B: Security of electricity supply
A holistic perspective on Security of electricity supply, integrated energy systems and sector coupling
Responsible FMEs: SecurEL, NTRANS, InterPlay
Large-scale electrification is critical to cutting emissions and addressing climate change. Electricity grids enable renewable resources (solar, wind) to power transport, industry, and buildings. Yet extreme weather, cyber threats, and complex, evolving energy systems threaten supply security. Rapid changes—like distributed generation, electric transport, energy storage, and ICT—demand new approaches for grid operations. We must balance ambitious climate targets with security, cost, and environmental considerations.
Join our workshop featuring academia, industry, and policymakers, as we discuss solutions for a resilient, integrated energy future.
Moderator: Elisa Junqueira de Andrade (NTNU Energy)
13:30 | Welcome and setting the scene by head of FME SecurEL Gerd Kjølle and moderator |
13:40 |
A set of shorter presentations for insight:
14:45 | Short Q&A and wrap-up |
15:00 | End of session |
Welcome and kind regards,
Gerd H. Kjølle (SecurEL), Ingeborg Graabak (InterPlay), Tomas Moe Skjølsvold (NTRANS)
organized by:
- FME SecurEL – the new norwegian centre SecureEl shall develop a secure, resistant and sustainable distribution system for electricity
- FME InterPlay – this new Norwegian Research Centre ‘Integrated Hub for Energy Systems Analyses’ – InterPlay - aims to make energy transition cost-efficient and sustainable
- FME NTRANS - Norwegian Centre for Energy Transition Strategies