1-B Energy security - generation
1-B: Energy adequacy
A holistic perspective on energy generation and balance
By FMEs InterPlay, RenewHydro and NTRANS
Heading into the green transition, we would like to invite you to join us in this session where we look into the opportunities and challenges we face when we go green. We have invited keynote speakers who will share their experiences from cases throughout Trøndelag county, a part of Norway that is representative in relation to challenges and opportunities in the green shift.
We will look into how we can successfully make the transition into a sustainable and green energy system, uncover current gaps that need to be bridged, and discuss how to bridge them.
Moderator: Daniel Albert (SINTEF)
11:00 | Introducing the session – Daniel Albert |
11:05 | Needs for renewable electricity production – green transition in regional cases:
11:50 | Enabling technologies and potential:
12:10 | Panel discussion on needs, barriers and opportunities Moderated by Daniel Albert Panel of keynote speakers (Thamsklyngen, Statnett, Trøndelag fylke, Aneo, RenewHydro, InterPlay, NTRANS) |
12:25 | Conclusion by the moderator |
12:30 | END of session |
Welcome and kind regards,
Ingeborg Graabak (InterPlay), Liv Randi Hultgreen (RenewHydro), Tomas Moe Skjølsvold (NTRANS)
organized by:
FME InterPlay – this new Norwegian Research Centre ‘Integrated Hub for Energy Systems Analyses’ – InterPlay - aims to make energy transition cost-efficient and sustainable
FME RenewHydro – this new Norwegian Research Centre for Renewal of Hydropower Technology - RenewHydro - aims to develop knowledge and solutions that enable flexible hydropower to support the realization of energy transition and achieve national energy, climate, and environmental goals
FME NTRANS - Norwegian Centre for Energy Transition Strategies