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Knowledge to secure our society

CCIS is set to become a leading academic research and education community for cyber and information security in Europe. Through collaboration and partnerships between academia and the public and private sectors, CCIS will be a high-profile national resource and a catalyst for international cooperation.



  • increase Norway's cyber security capacity to meet our long-term security challenges 
  • develop cyber security competence in Norwegian agencies, companies, and academia
  • be a professional support for our government in international discussions and commitments

by bridging the information and cyber security knowledge gap in the society.

The center is supported by the Ministry of Health and Care Services and is hosted and administrated by NTNUs Department of Information Security and Communication Technology (IIK).

NTNU CCIS is member of the European Cyber Security Organization (ECSO).


See also:

  • Norwegian Cyber Range - an arena for training, exercise, education and research in the cyber domain​​​​​
  • Cyberlandslaget - a project to recruit young talents within Cyber Security at the age of 16 until 25, to train and compete in the ECSC (European Cyber Security Challenge)
  • CyberSmart - a project to strengthen consciousness and