
University Network on PhD Programmes in Energy Technology (UNET)

University Network on PhD Programmes in Energy Technology (UNET)

UNET will support PhD programmes at the partner universities within the area of Energy Technology.

The objective of UNET

Developing the PhD level

The partners in UNET acknowledge that new energy technology is needed for the transition from fossil fuel to renewable energy sources (RES). Universities can support this transition by providing the manpower and the research needed. Most of the consortium partners have collaborated in the past on development of master programmes. UNET takes this collaboration further to the PhD level.

The UNET support will consist of new PhD courses (curriculum) and improved laboratory equipment for PhD training. The courses will be developed jointly and shared among the programmes. Each partner will improve on specialized training facilities, which will be open for shared access among the programmes. 

UNET objectives | Read more about UNET

Training Facilities - illustration

Joint Course Catalogue - illustration



Upcoming events

Upcoming events

Final UNET meeting. December in Mozambique, Maputo.

Project timeline

Project timeline
