Courses for exchange students

Exchange to NTNU

Courses for exchange students

Photo: Magnus Rønningen Hansen/BERRE

Exchange students can choose from a multitude of courses at NTNU, but to find the right ones for you, there are some things to keep in mind.

Finding courses to take

Finding courses to take

All of NTNU's courses can be found using the online course catalog. Please read the following before using the catalog.

  • When searching, check Taught in English and select your campus under Teaching location.
  • If a course is listed as English / Norwegian, confirm with the course coordinator whether it will be taught in English.
  • You can only choose courses in the city where you will be studying during your exchange.
  • Ensure you select the correct semester (autumn/spring) under Course start.
  • Most courses are only taught in one of the two semesters but are usually available every year.
  • Make sure you are eligible for the course. Check if the course requires previous knowledge and is taught in English. You can choose courses at any faculty or department, as long as you are qualified and eligible for it:
    • If a course has recommended previous knowledge, the course is generally open to exchange students, but it is the students' responsibility to ensure they are academically equipped able to understand/follow the course content.
    • If a course has required previous knowledge, the student must have documented academic experience equivalent to the 'required courses' listed on the course page.
  • If a course requires admission to a specific programme of study, it is usually reserved for students in that programme. However, exceptions may be possible—contact the course coordinator to inquire about admission.
  • PhD-level courses are usually reserved for PhD candidates and require special admission. All courses where the number in the course code starts with 8 are PhD level.

Different course levels may be shown by different names:

  • Bachelor’s level: May be called "Foundation", "Intermediate", or "Third-year".
  • Master’s level: May be called "Second degree level".
  • PhD level: May be called "Doctoral degree level".
  • You are not guaranteed entry to any course. The faculty/department decides whether you get admission to their course.
  • Overlapping courses? You will not get double credits for courses with overlapping contents. Each course page lists what other courses its content overlaps with, under Credit reductions.
  • If a course is project-based, it can normally be supervised in English, even though the language of instruction is Norwegian.
  • You can freely change your study plan/course selection until:
    • September 15 (autumn)
    • February 1 (spring)

Find courses in each city

Find courses in each city

Almost all of NTNU's courses are listed in the Online course catalog. 

Using this button, you will be shown courses taught in English in Trondheim, but remember to also choose the correct semester (spring/autumn). 

Make sure you have read Choosing and changing courses above before browsing the catalog.

NTNU Course Catalog - Trondheim  

The Online Course Catalog is updated yearly in July. Students coming in the autumn semester must therefore use the course catalog for the previous academic year. Course contents and things such as language of instruction may therefore change by the time the semester starts. If so, do not worry: you will be able to change your course selection until September 1st. 

Norwegian language courses

Courses to learn Norwegian as a second language

You can find courses taught in English in Gjøvik by using the online course catalog.

Using this button, you will be shown courses taught in English in Gjøvik, but remember to also choose the correct semester (spring/autumn).

Make sure you have read Choosing and changing courses above before browsing the catalog.

NTNU Course Catalog - Gjøvik

Bachelor's level courses in Gjøvik

Master's level courses in Gjøvik

Degree programmes taught in English at NTNU in Gjøvik are listed below. Please check the programme pages for more information about the courses:

Master's level courses in English at the Department of Manufacturing and Civil Engineering:

Master's thesis / Project work: 

Note that for IMT4461, IDIG4001, as well as for bachelor thesis and project work, you will need to contact and make an appointment with a supervisor at NTNU in Gjøvik prior to application.

The first and third semesters are autumn semesters (A); the second and fourth semesters are spring semesters (S). Some courses are only available one semester each year. 

You can find courses taught in English in Ålesund by using the online course catalogue below.

Using this button, you will be shown courses taught in English in Ålesund, but remember to also choose the correct semester (spring/autumn).

Make sure you have read Choosing and changing courses above before browsing the catalog. 

NTNU Course Catalog - Ålesund

Bachelor's level courses in Ålesund

Master's level courses in Ålesund

Choosing and registering for courses

Choosing and registering for courses

Once you have found the courses you want to take, read this to learn how to entroll in them

As a part of your exchange application to NTNU, you must provide the Unit for International Relations with a list of courses you wish to take while you are here. Some courses are open to all exchange students, while others have specific conditions/required previous knowledge, and therefore has restricted admission.

If you want to later enroll in restricted courses, you must first obtain pre-approval from either the Unit for International Relations or the course coordinator.

Pre-approval confirms that you meet the necessary requirements for a course and will be accompanied with an "OK" remark in your acceptance letter. If the Unit for International Relations cannot authorize access to a course, you will be instructed to contact the course coordinator to inquire about whether you can join it. 

Responsible person/entity:
The NTNU Unit for International Relations (Before the acceptance letter is sent out) or the course coordinator (after the acceptance letter is sent out) 

Your learning agreement is a contract between you, your home university, and NTNU. It seeks to ensure that you can enroll in approved courses at NTNU, receive the appropriate credits, and have these courses and credits be recognized by your home university as part of your degree.

Responsible person/entity:
The Unit for International Relations (unless otherwise specified)

To enroll in a pre-approved course, you must register to attend it. You do so in Studentweb

However, for many courses with restricted admissions, you may be unable to register even if you have received the pre-approval. In such cases, the department that owns the course must either lift the restrictions to allow you to sign up in Studentweb, or they have to register you themselves. You should contact the responsible department to inquire about this process. 

Please note that the Unit for International Relations does not handle course enrollments for exchange students.

Note that you must register for both the course and the exam in Studentweb. If you are registered only for the course but not the exam, you will not be allowed to take the exam, and thus not receive credits.

Responsible person:
The student, and the department which hosts the restricted course(s). 

Once you have successfully completed a course, the results will be published in your Transcript of Records. Courses in which you do not take, or fail, the final exam will not appear on your transcript.


Map showing NTNU's three university cities
Map showing NTNU's three university cities.

Find out more about housing and living arrangements in Trondheim, Gjøvik and Ålesund. (jira II-3403 / NTNU0828537)