Vocational specialization
Vocational specialization
Vocational specialization
The purpose of the subject vocational specialization is intended for students in upper secondary education to become familiar with key work tasks within various learning subjects to be able to make further choices of profession after VG2 in school.
As a student in upper secondary education, you can get acquainted with apprenticeship in one of NTNU’s companies through a placement in the subject vocational specialization. In practice through vocational specialization, we first and foremost want you to have a good experience in solving the practical work tasks that are relevant to the profession / apprenticeship you have chosen. In order for you to get the best possible advantage from the internship period, it is important that you learn to show up at agreed time, are active in asking questions and mange a plan for an internship period in collaboration with your teacher and academic leader at NTNU. You can learn a lot from observing through watching and listening. The best learning outcome occurs when you gain your own experiences by actively participating in performing key work tasks within the profession you have chosen. By participating in planning, implementation, and evaluation of your own work, you will gain important experience and eventually experience mastery that makes you more confident when making further choices. To systemise the vocational work during the internship period, a workbook has been created where you step by step document what goals and work tasks you have performed during the internship period.
We arrange for all students and apprentices at NTNU to thrive in the entity and get the best possible learning outcome during the apprenticeship.
Your subject teacher will review the use of the workbook and the basis for assessment with you before the training period begins.
Furthermore, the company in collaboration with you and your subject teacher will write an assessment of your training period. The assessment is a documentation which you can later attach as an attachment when you apply for an apprenticeship.
E-mail: kontakt@olk.ntnu.no
Visiting address: Sverres gate 12
Campus Kalvskinnet
Postal adress:
HR- og HMS-avdelingen v/training office
7491 Trondheim
Eirik Granaas: 913 52 788
Hanne Vik Børseth: 480 05 201
Anette Therese Haugen: 950 74 224