Training office
The training office NTNU

Quality in all stages of the entire training process
An overall goal for NTNU is that we will offer all apprentices quality in all stages of the training process. The knowledge society of the future needs both champions and masters. We need all the wise minds, whether they have acquired their skills in a laboratory, in front of a computer of in an office or workshop.
To document goal achievements from the curriculum in the subject of learning, we use a digital learning platform throughout the learning process – OLKWEB. This means that you as an apprentice / apprentice candidate must document which goals and work tasks you work with during the apprenticeship. In the documentation you can use both text and images in OLKWEB. Your academic leader will give you feedback on the documentation set up against the competence goals in the curriculum. The apprentice can gladly participate with the self-assessment of their own work in the guidance conversations together with the academic leader after documentation of completed work tasks has been submitted to OLKWEB. It is important that the academic leader provides constructive assessment along the way. The purpose of the mid-term assessment is for the apprentice to always be updated on where they stand and what/how they can improve in order to achieve a higher goal achievement in the apprenticeship. The training office participates together with the academic leader and apprentice/apprentice candidate in the statutory semi-annual assessment interviews and in the closing for apprentices who have passed the certificate of apprenticeship or journeyman’s letter.
The role of the training office
The training office at NTNU is responsible for appointing apprentices and apprentice candidates, writing apprenticeship contracts / training contracts and entering employment contracts. We also register salaries and personal information in the professional systems. The training office is responsible for registering the apprentices up to the certificate of apprenticeship or journeyman’s letter. The registration takes place in dialogue with the county, which is responsible for the search and dissemination process. The training office also arranges professional meetings for professional leaders and apprentices / apprentice candidates, as well as arranges courses and offers various competence-raising measures.
Visiting address: Sverres gate 12
Campus Kalvskinnet
Postal adress:
HR- og HMS-avdelingen v/training office
7491 Trondheim
Eirik Granaas: 913 52 788
Hanne Vik Børseth: 480 05 201
Anette Therese Haugen: 950 74 224