Home - NORDISCO 2025
the 8th Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Interaction
Trondheim City Square during the Christmas Market. Photo: Eira Christine Torland
Save the date!
Trondheim, Norway, 3–5 December 2025
Welcome to NORDISCO 2025!
The conference focuses on discourse and interaction research and invites contributions from different and diverse fields of inquiry including conversation analysis, discursive psychology, narrative analysis, applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, textual studies, gesture studies, rhetoric, political discourse analysis, multimodal interaction analysis, communication studies, organization studies, and more.
The field of discourse and interaction research lends itself to interdisciplinary collaboration and exchange, as it explores the relations between text and talk on the one hand, and societal, cultural and psychological contexts on the other. An important aim of this conference is to gather researchers and doctoral students from different traditions in order to facilitate interdisciplinary discussion and collaboration.
Call for Abstracts
Abstract submission is open.
Invited Plenary Speakers

Pentti Haddington
Professor of English Language at the University of Oulu, Finland

Irmelin Kjelaas
Associate Professor in Norwegian in the Department of Teacher Education at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway

Jakob Steensig
Associate Professor of Linguistics at Aarhus University, Denmark