GeoSDG: Summer school of GeoBIM for SDGs, 19-23 August, 2024

GeoSDG: Summer school of GeoBIM for SDGs, 19-23 August, 2024

IMAGE TITLE OF GeoSDG summer school

geosdg: introduction img of NTNU

GeoSDG: Summer school of GeoBIM for SDGs

GeoSDG: Summer school of GeoBIM for SDGs

GeoBIM is one of the key technologies of digitalization. While digitalization techniques can contribute significantly to the fulfilment of every SDG, GeoBIM can directly contribute to six SDGs, namely, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, industry, innovation and infrastructure, sustainable cities and communities, and climate action. The topic of Asset and Facilities Management is also strongly related to the SDGs such as good health and well-being, and decent work and economic growth.

The expected outcomes of the GeoSDG summer school

  • Increasing the knowledge on the GeoBIM for Asset Management through the investigation and teaching of theories and practices in BIM, GIS and advanced information management tools. 
  • Development of case studies and demonstrations on the potential of GeoBIM for Asset and Portfolio Management, in the perspective of the development of a digital model of the built environment. 
  • Increasing knowledge exchange among different disciplines: Asset and Facility Management, Architectural Engineering and Geographic Information Science.


The summer school is supported by the T.I.M.E. Association.

Sponsor of GeoSDG: T.I.M.E

Who can participate?

Who can participate?

If you are a research student highly motivated and willing to explore the use of digital technologies for GIS, 3D City Modelling and BIM, and Asset and Facility Management, you are the perfect candidate. You should have background expertise in GIS and/or BIM and/or Asset Management.

Through a mix of theoretical and practical work, the summer school will allow you to obtain knowledge and skills in:

  • Digital Twins of building and infrastructural assets (e.g., 3D models or BIM models of buildings, their components and outdoor equipment);
  • Condition Inspection and Assessment of built assets;
  • methodologies for condition data collection and processing in different contexts.

How to apply?

How to apply?

You can apply to attend by providing a 300 word explanation of your motivation for wanting to attend the summer school, including an explanation of your current skills and how this course aligns with your current and future research direction.

Entrance to provide the motivation

Please submit your motivation letter as attached .pdf file to this email address:

The recommended email subject is: Motivation of GeoSDG-<the name of applicant>

Important Dates:

Submission of motivation 20 July, 2024
Feedback to successful applicants 30 July, 2024

When and Where

When and Where

19th-23th August, 2024, Zeb Lab, Campus Gløshaugen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.



The detailed GeoSDG program will be provided to participants two weeks before the start of the summer school. This is an in-person event. 

Organising committee

 Organising committee