About NOF - NOF Centennial Congress
About the organization
The Nordic Orthopaedic Federation (NOF) is the federation of the national orthopaedic societies of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Sweden and Norway. The federation was founded in 1919.
The mission of the organization is to be a forum for the 8 National societies for exchange of common Nordic issues regarding evidence based medicine, education and research (register studies). The Nordic Orthopaedic Federation plays an important role in the continuing education of young orthopaedic surgeons and residents in the Nordic countries.
NOF owns the journal Acta Orthopaedica. It is a non-profit open access journal. All articles are free and can be found via PubMed or at Taylor&Francis /Informa Health Care.
NOF organizes bi-annually the NOF congress. The Centennial congress in Trondheim will celebrate NOFs 100 years anniversary.
The last congresses were held in:
- Reykjavik, Iceland 2018
- Lindkjöping; Sweden 2016
- Helsinki, Finland 2014
- Tallin, Estonia 2012