TNNN Conference 2022
2022 TNNN Conference
Program overview
10:00 | Registration & coffee |
Mingling with sponsors & the industry | |
11:00 | Welcome & brief introduction to TNNN |
11:15 | Invited talk: Solar Thermal Management Materials |
Kaspar Moth-Poulsen. Chalmers University of Technology | |
12:00 | Lunch & Stands |
12:45 | Contributed Talk: High Resolution Polarization-Sensitive Fourier Ptychographic Microscopy Mahdieh Mayani. USN |
13:00 | Invited Talk: Nanoparticles for imaging and therapy |
Catharina de Lange Davies. NTNU | |
13:30 | Contributed Talk: Unravelling the sigma factor specific promoter binding in bacterial in-vitrotranscription using droplet microfluidics Kartik Totlani. NTNU |
13:45 | Contributed Talk: Advanced Engineering Approaches for Recapitulation of Structure-Function Dynamics in Neuronal Networks Nicolai Winter-Hjelm. NTNU |
14:00 | Coffee |
14:15 | Contributed Talk: Biological Mechanisms for Bone Regeneration using Biomaterial Scaffolds Mohamad Nageeb Hassan. UiB |
14:30 | Contributed Talk: Nanolithography, Nanoscopy, Nanofluidics: Hybrid 2-photon lithography for wafer-scale nanofluidic chip fabrication Oliver Vanderpoorten. UiT |
14:45 | Contributed Talk: Silicon nanoparticles as hydrogen delivery systems Hennie Marie Johnsen. UiO |
15:00 | Coffee |
15:15 | Contributed Talk: X-Ray Nanoscopy Reveals Oriented Growth of Seeded Calcium Carbonate Microparticles Daniyal Younas. NTNU |
15:30 | Contributed Talk: Fluorescence Intensity and Fluorescence Lifetime Measurements of Various Carbon Dots as a Function of pH presented with Background Information on the Development of a Novel, Affordable, Compact, and Stable Optical pH-sensor for Long-term Seawater Monitoring Applications Wiktoria K. Szapoczka. UiB |
15:45 | Contributed Talk: Free-standing SiNx waveguides for on-chip CO2isotope detection Jehona Salaj. UiT |
16:00 | Contributed Talk: Optical Metasurfaces and Waveguide Chips for Trapping and Raman Spectroscopy Marek Vlk. UiT |
16:30 | Poster Session 1 & refreshments |
18:30 | Dinner at Akrinn |
08:45 | Coffee |
09:00 | Critical evaluation on the use of artificial DNA in hydrology |
Jan Willem Foppen. TU Delft | |
09:45 | Industry Presentation: Advanced characterization at the materials physics group in SINTEF Industry Elisabeth Thronsen. SINTEF Material Physics |
10:05 | Infrastructure Presentation: Possibilities in advanced processing and characterisation at NTNU NanoLab Jakob Vinje. NTNU Nanolab |
10:30 | Coffee |
11:00 | Contributed Talk: One-Dimensional Spin-Polarized Surface States on Bi(112) Compared to States on Other Vicinal Surfaces of Bi Anna Cecilie Åsland. NTNU |
11:15 | Contributed Talk: Epitaxial growth of Fe-Sn thin films Payel Chatterjee. NTNU |
11:30 | Contributed Talk: Electric-field control of oxygen defects and local transport properties in ErMnO3 Jiali He. NTNU |
11:45 | Contributed Talk: Determining the Arrangement of Sub-Surface Dopants in a Silicon Quantum Device Platform Håkon Røst. NTNU |
12:00 | Lunch & Stands |
12:45 | Industry Presentation: Controlling light with nanostructuresand piezoelectric MEMS PaulThrane. SINTEF |
13:00 | Invited Talk: 2D materials - perfect canvas for crafting your favourite physical properties |
Peter Bøggild. Technical University of Denmark | |
13:45 | Contributed Talk: Charged antiferroelectric twin domain walls inK3[Nb3O6(BO3)2] Ivan Ushakov. NTNU |
14:00 | Contributed Talk: The effect of oxygen and nitrogen concentrations on Opto-electronic properties of ZnOxNy films Kjetil Karlsen. UiO |
14:15 | Contributed Talk: Diffusion of Zn in β-Ga2O3Y Ylva Knausgård Hommedal. UiO |
14:30 | Coffee |
14:45 | Invited Talk: Tailoring nanoparticles for biodiagnostics |
Sulalit Bandyopadhyay. NTNU | |
15:15 | Contributed Talk: Polyoxometalate-ionic liquids (POM-Ils) as promising lubricant additives Maria Luisa Casasin. NTNU |
15:30 | Contributed Talk: Semi-continuous synthesis of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications Egon Höfgen. NTNU |
15:45 | Contributed Talk: Open and online post-binary chip design: Mixed Radix Circuit Synthesizer EDA tool Steven Bos. USN |
16:00 | Contributed Talk: A novel route to solve hydrate blockage: interfacial gas-enrichment strategy Rui Ma. NTNU |
16:15 | Contributed Talk: Separation of micro-size particle induced byfocused helical progressive waves Diego Sánchez Saldaña. NTNU |
16:30 | Poster Session 2 & refreshments |
Laboratory visits: NTNU NanoLab, NorTEM & Atom Probe Lab | |
19:00 | Conference Dinner at Studentersamfundet |
08:45 | Coffee |
09:00 | Parallel Workshops (see Workshop page for more information and registration): - Science Communication - Analysing very large electron microscopy datasets using Python and JupyterLab - Workshop organized by Kongsberg Space Electronics: Showcasing Micro- and Nanotechnology Research in the Space Industry - Workshop for scientific staff and supervisors: How can TNNN best contribute to PhD education within MNST in Norway? |
12:00 | Lunch |
12:45 | Industry Presentation: TBA |
13:00 | Invited Talk: Nanotoxicity and nanosafety |
Mihaela-Roxana Cimpan. UiB | |
13:30 | Research Commercialization Presentation: Commercialisation of Micro- and Nanotechnology in Norway - Where are we now, 20 years down the road? Kay Gastinger. Inventas |
14:00 | Summing-up and outlook |
14:10 | End |
Invited speakers
Kasper Moth-Poulsen, Chalmers University of Technology
Moth-Poulsen is active in several start-ups and spin-out companies including Con-Science AB, Solartes AB and NanoScientifica Scandinavica AB.
Catharina de Lange Davies, NTNU
Currently her research group is studying how to improve chemotherapy for cancer patients using drug-loaded nanoparticles in combination with ultrasound focused toward the tumour. Through studies on mice, she has shown that ultrasound and microbubbles improve the delivery of nanoparticles to tumours and thereby therapeutic response.
Jan Willem Foppen received his M.Sc. degree in Hydrogeology from the VU University in Amsterdam in 1990. He has worked since 1998 for IHE Delft and since the beginning of 2021 at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft).
Intrigued by poor groundwater health conditions in various developing countries, Foppen focused on the transport of the fecal indicator organism Escherichia coli in saturated porous media, whereby the aim was to extend the colloid filtration theory. Over the years, his interest focused more on the transport of colloids in groundwater and surface waters.
Since 2016, he has worked on using silica DNA tracers to identify hydrologic processes. In addition, his research interests include water and sanitation in slums in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Currently employed as an Associate Professor at Department of Chemical Engineering, NTNU and a Researcher at the Department of Water Management, TU Delft, Netherlands - his research interests include synthesis, characterization and functionalization of nanoparticles, drug delivery, diagnostics, biosensing, modelling of nanosystems, development of nanoparticle based hydrological tracers and recycling of Lithium-ion batteries.
Among several noteworthy awards, he has received NTNU Employee Award Innovation and Collaboration with Working Life for 2018 – 2021, Research Council of Norway's Innovation Award for 2021 for his work with magnetic nanoparticles and COVID-19 test kits that were instrumental in re-opening Norwegian society in 2020. He is currently the Centre Manager for the recently established Particle Engineering Research Centre at NTNU.
Mihaela Roxana Cimpan is the head of the Biomaterials Cluster and of the Nanotoxicity & Nanobio group at the Department of Clinical Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen (UiB). Professor Cimpan’s research activity in recent years encompasses nanosafety, nanotoxicity, and nanomedicine, as well as the biocompatibility of biomaterials used in medicine and dentistry. She established Nanotoxicology as a research field at UiB. Cimpan was a Member of the National Reference group for Nano- and Advanced materials, a founding member of the SafeNano Norway network and a member of the Bergen Nanoscience Network “nanoBergen”. Cimpan has participated as coordinator, WP leader, and PI in several projects funded by NANO2021, HORIZON2020, EU-FP7, EuroNanoMed and EEA.
Kay Gastinger
Gastinger works currently as a Senior Project Leader in Inventas AS. Inventas is a technical consultancy company with expertise in product development and design, providing holistic solutions to start-up companies as well as to SME´s and large companies.
Kay has a MSc. within Electrical Engineering at TU Ilmenau (Germany) and PhD in Physics (Optics) from the University Oldenburg (Germany), supplemented by an executive education in Leadership Development at IESE Business School in Barcelona (Spain).
Kay has experiences from research and management in both industry and academia. Before starting in Inventas he had positions as COO and CTO in Picterus, a local MedTech start-up company. Kay was heading the Kavli Institute of System Neuroscience as Manging Director and was for 8 years Director of Nano@NTNU (now NTNU Nano), the strategic initiative for nanotechnology, nanoscience and functional materials at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU. He has also 14 years research experience as Senior Scientist in SINTEF in the field of optical metrology.