Find literature
Where to find literature
Where to find literature
Searching for literature
When you write your project- or Master's thesis, you have to search for various types of literature. Some relevant sources are listed below. The list is not exhaustive, so you may also need to consult other sources:
- NTNU University Library. From this page you have access to a wide range of books, databases, journals, and so on.
- ScienceDirect. This is a database of scientific articles published by Elsevier. When you are using a computer at NTNU (with an NTNU IP number), you will get full access to all articles (also in pdf format)
- Engineering Village. This database covers articles from many different publishers (see above)
- Google Books. This site contains a very high number of books which you can read on the screen. All books are not complete and several pages may be missing.
- Knovel. This is a database containing a wide range of textbooks. As long as you access Knovel from an NTNU computer, you have full access.
How to find standards
The University Library provides access to standard searches in many different disciplines for all students and employees.
Access to standards:
In order to access full text versions of the standards you must be connected to an NTNU network. If you're not on campus you can connect via VPN.