Magnus Korpås

NTNU, Department of Electric Power Engineering
Magnus Korpås
Magnus Korpås is a Professor at the Department of Electric Power Systems at NTNU. He is part of the research group "Electricity Markets and Energy Systems Planning", and focuses especially focused on integration of renewable energy in the energy system.
Previously, Korpås was a Research Manager, Research Director and Scientific Advisor at SINTEF Energy. He's part of the management team in CINELDI (Centre for Intelligent Electricity Distribution), and deeply involved in HydroCEN (Norwegian Research Centre for Hydropower Technology), FME ZEN (Zero Emission Neighbourhoods), and NTNU Energy Transition Initiative.
Korpås' research activities include:
- Market design for power markets with variable renewable energy sources and storage
- Part of my research collaboration with Dr. Audun Botterud at MIT. Read their MIT CEEPR Working Paper.
- Optimization of energy storage and distributed flexible resources in connection with renewables (investment and operation)
- The use of hydro power as a balancing asset
- Go to the HYDROBALANCE homepage
- Investment planning of grids, including a future North Sea Grid
- Start here
- Large scale integration of renewable energy sources in Europe
- Leading WP Markets in IEA Wind Task 25 Design and Operation of Energy Systems with Large Amounts of Variable Renewable Generation
- Read the TradeWind report.
- Professor at Dept. of Electric Power Engineering, NTNU (2014-)
- Visiting Scholar at MIT Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (2018-2019)
- Scientific Advisor for SINTEF Energi (2014-)
- Research Director at SINTEF Energi, Dept. of Energy Systems (2011-2014)
- Research Manager at SINTEF Energi, the System Dynamics team (2009-2011)
- Research scientist at SINTEF Energi (2006-2009)
- Post.doc. at Inst. for elkraftteknikk, NTNU (2004-2006)
- (PhD) from Dept. of Electric Power Engineering, NTNU (2004) with title: "Distributed energy systems with wind power and energy storage"
- (MSc) from Theoretical Physics, NTNU (1998): "Optimization of thermal efficiency in PWR power plants" (in collaboration with IFE)