Energy Vision Scenarios: Challenges in Protectionism vs. Collaboration, Finance Options, and Climate Impact

Energy Vision Scenarios: Challenges in Protectionism vs. Collaboration, Finance Options, and Climate Impact

The global energy transition is shaped by competing forces of protectionism and collaboration, challenges in financial mechanisms, and the urgent need to mitigate climate impacts. This workshop will discuss key drivers influencing pathways for achieving a sustainable energy future.

As nations pursue energy security and economic growth, protectionist policies—such as domestic industry subsidies or trade tariff wars—are increasingly influencing global energy markets. The workshop will focus on how these opposing dynamics shape energy strategies and explore opportunities for cooperation in a fragmented geopolitical landscape.

Another major focus is financing the energy transition. With trillions of dollars needed to meet global climate goals, we will revisit aspects raised in COP26 and discuss how to bridge the financing gap for clean energy projects in both developed and emerging economies.

Furthermore, we will address the interplay between energy systems and critical drivers shaping scenario development. Topics include infrastructure resilience in extreme weather, ramp-up of key technologies, poverty and equality, the role of AI, and other disruptive factors.


09:00 – 09:15 Welcome and Setting the Scene
- Asgeir Tomasgard (NTNU) and Pedro Crespo del Granado (NTNU)
09:15 – 10:15 Framing of the Day: The global transition and the competing forces of protectionism & collaboration, plus the critical factors shaping energy transition scenarios.
Presentations and discussions from: EERA Energy Systems, Norwegian Industry actors, an overview of COP29 finance framework, the EU reference from the European Commission, and others
10:15 – 10:40 Coffee Break
10:40 – 12:15 Energy Vision Scenarios: Challenges of increased ambition in climate actions, changes in international cooperation, geopolitical tension, potential for trade wars, and how today’s models address these issues.
Presentations & discussions from: PNNL (US perspectives on global scenarios and trade-war tariffs), China in the energy transition, TU-Berlin (geopolitical effects on scenario designs), plus industry interventions from Gassco, Siemens, and TBA.
12:15 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 14:30 Socio-Economic Impacts, Technology Ramp-Up, Demand Sectors, & Critical Drivers: Job creation, equity, renewables, storage, industry & transport decarbonization, and the interplay among policy, markets, & culture.
Presentations & discussions from: regulatory & policy perspectives, social aspects (energy poverty), technology ramp-up & energy markets, plus others TBA
14:30 – 15:00 Break
15:00 – 16:00 Finance the Energy Transition & Climate Change Impacts: pivotally linked to achieving COP30 goals, ensuring climate resilience, equitable solutions, and a sustainable & inclusive future.
Presentations & discussions from: Global South challenges on finance & Brazil COP30, climate change projections in Africa & effects on energy planning, finance mechanisms under geopolitical uncertainty, plus others TBA
16:00 – 16:15 Closing and wrap-up – by Asgeir Tomasgard (NTNU)

This workshop is coordinated in support of various research projects and initiatives, and it is part of the NTNU Energy Transition Week, which also features the NTNU Energy Transition Conference 2025, other dedicated workshops, and networking events.

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(by invitation)

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Practical information:

Tuesday 1 April: 9:00 - 16:00

  • Moderated presentations and discussion

  • Modified Chatham Rules

  • Location: Rådsalen, NTNU

  • Estimated seats: 40, by invitation

  • Organisers:

    Pedro Crespo del Granado (NTNU), Jae Edmonds (PNNL), Mostafa Barani (NTNU), Konstantin Löffler (TU Berlin), Michael Belsnes (SINTEF) and Will Usher (KTH)

Photos from previous workshops at Rådsalen


Photos from previous workshops at Rådsalen:

Rådsalen karusell