2-A Create competitive and green new industries
2-A: Create competitive and green new industries
By FMEs SOLAR, NorthWind, Battery, HYDROGENi, HyValue, gigaCCS and ZeMe
Global investments into green industries are increasing rapidly, and the green transition will require a further upscaling of global investments into green and low-carbon industries.
This session focuses on opportunities to expand and build competitive industrial value chains in Norway and how the investments made in research and innovation in the FMEs can underpin and support the development.
Examples will be drawn from different industries at different stages of growth including solar and wind power, battery energy storage, hydrogen, CCS and production, re-use and recycling of critical materials required for the green transition.
We will highlight innovations which can compete on an international scale and discuss the opportunities and requirements for further growth and competitiveness.
Moderator: Már Másson Maack, SINTEF Energy
13:30 | Welcome and setting the scene by moderator |
13:35 |
Short presentations from a selection of FME partners around the questions:
14:25 | Moderated dialogue on ‘How can the FMEs underpin and support the development?’ Panel: Erik Marstein (SOLAR), Gard. H. Hansen (NorthWind), Odne Burheim (Battery), Fionn Iversen (HyValue), Gunhild Reigstad (HYDROGENi), Mona Mølnvik (gigaCCS), and Gabriella Tranell (ZeMe) |
14:55 | Closing remarks by moderator |
15:00 | END of session |
organized by:
- FME SOLAR – new centre focusing on solar energy
- FME NorthWind – Norwegian Research Centre on Wind Energy – turning wind R&D into sustainable industry
- FME Battery – new center for next generation and improved circular sustainable battery technology value chain
- FME HYDROGENi – Norwegian research and innovation centre for hydrogen and ammonia
- FME HyValue – Hydrogen value chain research centre
- FME gigaCCS – new centre that will advance Norway’s expertise in CCS, as well as support the global implementation of CCS at a gigatonne scale
- FME ZeMe – new Norwegian research centre on zero emission metal production