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Towards Sustainable Herbivore management

About SustHerb

Fenced area in forest. Photo: Audun Hageskal

Inside the fenceOutside the fence

About SustHerb

Forests provide a range of goods and services of vital importance for human society. The large increase in forest ungulate populations, notably moose (Alces alces) and red deer (Cervus elaphus) in Norway, over the last decades has been a key driver for changes in forest socio-ecosystems, particularly in concert with the changing climate. While forests are associated with timber and other provisioning forestry services (biofuel, game meat) regulating (carbon) and cultural services (e.g. outdoor life, hunting), overbrowsing may negatively affect biodiversity and other important services provided by the forest ecosystem. In this project we will examine environmental and societal aspects of forest ungulate browsing in boreal ecosystems within an ecosystem services  framework to underpin an ecosystem approach to sustain forest resources.

Field work.