
Topics & Subtopics

MTEC/ICMASS 2024 will focus on four main topics (with sub-topics):

Green Shipping and Ports

Areas of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Decarbonisation approaches
    • Energy-efficiency solutions (design and technologies)
    • Carbon capture and storage
  • Renewable and clean energy
    • Low- and zero carbon fuels
    • Safety considerations for emerging fuels (e.g. ammonia and hydrogen)
    • Sustainable and environmentally friendly energy alternatives
  • Smart and sustainable operations
    • Intelligent technologies and systems to optimise energy consumption and reduce emissions
    • Analytic tools and methods, data-driven and AI based assessment
    • Green corridors
    • Improving ship and terminal planning and operations to optimise energy demand (e.g. integrated operations, multimodality, just-in-time port operations)
    • Circular economy and resource management

Smart and Autonomous Ship and Port Operations

Areas of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Autonomous port and ship operations (terminal equipment, ship, crane)
  • Situation awareness systems for safe and efficient operations
  • Integrated Planning for Autonomous Operations
    • Operational envelopes
    • Human-machine interaction
    • Decision support
  • Management of operations in a mixed environment (varying levels of autonomy)
  • Remote Control and Operation
    • New skill sets and assessment standards for operators
    • Requirements for smart and autonomous fleet operations
  • Best practices and international standardisation of ROC/Autonomous operators/candidates
  • Multimodal transport integration
  • Collaborative systems

Maritime Safety

Areas of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Risk analysis, modelling and control tools
  • Maritime resilience
  • Advanced navigation systems
  • Smart safety equipment and systems
  • Maritime security
    • Monitoring technology, geofencing and security control systems Geofencing and ISPS areas
    • Cargo monitoring
    • Human control and interaction
  • Emergency system and equipment for autonomous operations
    • Emergency response, incident analysis and management
    • Emergency towing and rescue
    • Human factors
    • Immersive tools and technologies for training
  • Verification and approval methods
    • Test sites
    • Verification and acceptance tests procedures
    • Autonomous technology and operational verification
    • Regulatory development and enablers
    • Rules and standards for approval of technology and operation

Maritime Digitalisation, Connectivity and Cybersecurity

Areas of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Optimisation of port operations with digitalisation and data analytics
  • Development of digital twins to improve the design of ports and vessels
  • Safe and secure ship-to-shore communication
  • Digital integration of various stakeholder systems to streamline processes
  • Global standards and interoperability
  • Big data analytics to support vessel/fleet management
  • Artificial Intelligence to support decision-making
  • Cybersecurity

Organisers RSB


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In collaboration with:

INAS - International Network of Autonomous ShipsMPA SingaporeSMITCOMSNFAS

Supported by:

Innovation NorwayThe Research Counsil of Norway