Norwegian ID numbers
Norwegian Identity Numbers
Norwegian ID numbers
Norway has two kinds of official identification numbers issued by authorities. Both numbers are 11 digits long and grant access to public services, such as getting a personal physician or opening a bank account. However, which number you are eligible for, and what you can use it for, varies. The two numbers are:
- The National identity number (Norwegian: personnummer)
- The D number (Norwegian: D-nummer)
These numbers are note the same as the 11-digit number issued by NTNU for registering your NTNU account. They are also different from the DUF number used by the Directorate for Immigration (UDI) to track immigration applications.
As a student coming to Norway for more than 3 months, you may qualify for either the National identity number or the D number (not both). This depends on a several factors, including the duration of your stay and your citizenship.
Before obtaining either number, you must have completed the necessary immigration procedures for your journey to, and stay in, Norway.
To learn more about the differences between the National identity number and the D number, see below.
The two kinds of identity number
The National Identity Number (also known as the National ID number) can only be granted to persons living in Norway for at least six consecutive months. This number grants access to all public services in Norway, and the right to a personal GP (fastlege).
Non-EU/EEA students will automatically receive a National identity number by physical mail after they have registered with the police.
EU/EEA students may apply for a National identity number at the Tax Administration Office after they have registered with the police. Students from Nordic countries may apply as soon as they arrive in Norway, without registering with the police. Note that if you do not meet the additional conditions set by the National Population Register to receive the National Identity Number, you may receive the D number instead.
You can read more about National Identity number on The Norwegian Tax Authority website.
To see how you can apply for a National identity number or a D number at a Tax Office - read more here.
The D-number can be issued to:
- Those who plan to live in Norway less than six months but need access to certain public services.
- Those who plan to stay for more than six months but do not meet the conditions for the National Identity number (see above). The D-number grants you access to certain, but not all, public services.
Non-EU/EEA students who plan to stay for less than six months will automatically receive the D number by physical mail after they have registered with the police.
EU/EEA students who plan to stay for less than six months might be issued a D number after they have registered with the police and if they need to use services from some public agency or enterprises that require them to have a D number. The most common way to receive D number for these students is to have a job contract in Norway. In such cases, students can apply for a Tax Deduction Card from the Tax Administration Office, who will then order the D number for them.
A few banks in Norway are able to order a D number for those who want one to open a bank account, but this process is lengthy and not widely available (only at a few banks across Norway). For more information on opening a bank account, see this page.
EU/EEA and Nordic students who plan to stay for more than six months but do not meet the conditions to receive a National Identity number (see above) will be issued a D number.
More information about the D number can be found at the Tax Authority's website.