Workpackage 3 of 7
WP3: Technology transfer Planning &Training
WP3: Technology transfer Planning &Training
Lead: NTNU
- T3.1 Plan for proposed activities (M1-M12)
- T3.2 Technology transfer events, meetings, workshops and other out reach activities targeting relevant stakeholders, dissemination efforts and training activities (Part1/3) (UtilisetheCO2trainingsitesatIITMadras(INDEEI) and NTNU/SINTEF(Super Smart-Rack)for education and feasibility testing of concepts and controls)
- T3.3 Plan for proposed activities (M13-M24)
- T3.4 Technology transfer events, meetings, workshops and other outreach activities targeting relevant stakeholders, dissemination efforts and training activities (Part 2/3) (Utilise the CO2 training sites at IIT Madras (INDEE I) and NTNU/SINTEF (SuperSmart-Rack) for education and feasibility testing of concepts and controls)
- T3.5 Plan for proposed activities (M25-M36)
- T3.6 Technology transfer events, meetings, workshops and other outreach activities targeting relevant stakeholders, dissemination efforts and training activities (Part 3/3) (Utilise the CO2 training sites at IIT Madras (INDEE I) and NTNU/SINTEF (SuperSmart-Rack) for education and feasibility testing of concepts and controls)
- D3.1 Project report related to R&D and educational actions planned for year 1 (Deliverable related to T3.1).
- D3.2 Summary of the training courses for academics and/or tour training tours for stakeholders (Part 1/3) (Deliverable related to T3.2)
- D3.3 Project report related to R&D and educational actions planned for year 2 (Deliverable related to T3.3)
- D3.4 Summary of the training courses for academics and/or tour training tours for stakeholders (Part 2/3) (Deliverable related to T3.4)
- D3.5 Project report related to R&D and educational actions planned for year 3 (Deliverable related to T3.5)
- D3.6 Summary of the training courses for academics and/or tour training tours for stakeholders (Part 3/3) (Deliverable related to T3.6)
Time schedule
Time schedule
See overview of the project time schedule 2021-24, with specified tasks and deliverables: