Submission procedure

Submission procedure

ICMT5 uses an electronic submission system managed by ConfTool.

Each author is allowed to submit up to one proposal of each type (symposium, oral communication, poster), as the presenting author. Each conference participant may have his/her name on no more than four (4) conference contributions in total.

The official conference language is English. The language for all types of submissions is English. Accepted contributions must be presented in English.

Contribution requirements

Contributions should be about all issues related to the development and design, content, history and use of mathematics curriculum resources in print or digital format. The intention is to cover curriculum resources from pre-K to university settings, as well as those for home or out-of-school settings. Contributions should relate to mathematics curriculum resources (including, but not restricted to textbooks) in any medium (including, but not restricted to digital or print), and should address at least one of the conference's nine themes (listed under General information), with the authors choosing one of the themes, which they believe is most relevant to their contribution. 

Submissions should be original, i.e. have not been published previously. They need not be limited to completed research. On-going studies may be submitted, provided that theoretical framework and preliminary results are provided in the text submitted. Submissions should be concise (see page limitation below) but must contain all information necessary to inform both reviewers and other researchers. 

Contributions may be presented as oral communications, symposia, or posters at the conference. The same review criteria apply to all contributions (see Review Guidelines below).

Two types of papers are suitable for ICMT5:

  1. Reports of studies (involving empirical or developmental research) and 
  2. Theoretical essays or methodological contributions. 

Reports of empirical studies should cover, as a minimum, the following:

  • a statement regarding the focus and rationale of the presented research (including problem, goals and/or research questions); 
  • the study’s theoretical framework including references to the related literature; 
  • a description of the research methods used (criteria for sampling and/or choice of participants; data collection instruments; data analysis procedures) ; 
  • results (including a sample of data additional data can be presented at the conference but some data ought to accompany the proposal) ; 
  • final remarks or conclusions, indicating the significance of the paper. 

Theoretical essays and methodological contributions should cover, as a minimum, the following:

  • a statement regarding the focus, the rationale and the aim of the theoretical or methodological contribution;
  • a statement about the paper’s theoretical, philosophical or methodological framework including references to related literature; 
  • a clearly articulated statement of the author’s position on the focus or theme and of the arguments that support this position; 
  • implications for existing and further research in the respective area.

All submissions must be written in English and submitted in both MS Word and PDF formats via the ConfTool electronic submission system. The submission process opens on 1st September 2024.

Submission procedure

Proposals for oral communications and symposia should be a maximum of eight (8) pages. They should be written in English and submitted in both MS Word and PDF formats.  The deadline for the submission of proposals for oral communications and symposia is 20th October 2024.

In order to ensure a consistent appearance for all papers in the conference proceeding, please use our paper template (docx-file).

Each proposal for an oral communication or a symposium will be reviewed by two other authors who submitted a proposal. Proposals that do not conform with the formatting guidelines, or exceed the maximum number of pages may be rejected without further consideration or peer review. Authors will have the option to revise their submission once before the final decision about acceptance is made.

Each author of an oral communication or a symposium agrees to review up to two other proposals. Guidelines for review are available below.

Proposals for posters should be a maximum of two (2) pages. They should be written in English and must be submitted in both MS Word and PDF formats. The deadline for the submission of poster proposals is 1st November 2024.

In order to ensure a consistent appearance for all papers in the conference proceeding, please use our paper template (docx-file).

Each author of a poster agrees to review up to two other proposals. Guidelines for review are available below.

Download the review guidelines (PDF).

Reviews must be submitted via ConfTool.